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GTN upgrade idea's.


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we have all see that a lot off things get a upgrade by getting new things and also some UI inprovements or that there have got a upgrade all like the invertory,character sheet,abilities list.

so why not chance some things also for the GTN.

also on the note: the GTN wall and kiosk layout and decoration most look the same how there are now and not chance at all its only the sell and buyer tap UI layout that needs a upgrade.


a new UI look for the buy and sell tap from the GTN is something we really need and also for both the sell and buy tap to have some improvements also are needed.

for the sell tap improvements idea's:

  • chance the price cheaker so that it not shows the vendor sell price but what the lowst price is on the GTN it self that means for if people sell the Hutt Cantina Skiff as exepmple for 1kk credits on the GTN what is then the lowst and the vendor sell price is 100 credits that the 1kk credits price most show up as the lowst automatic sell price and not the vendor sell price anymore.
  • the sell time options need to have also a big improvement by starting to remove all the sell time options from the hours t/m the 3 day's sell time. the new sell time options for items need to become 1 week for F2P and Preff status players and the sub players get 1 week extra so there item sell time limit will be 2 weeks.
  • next is the how many items you can sell in 1 sell tap thats something that also need to be improve. so far you can sell only 1 item per tap i think its time to improve that also so that players can add more of the same amout of items in the same tap that means we going to use the Hutt Cantina Skiff mount again as exemple: if i wane sell 3 Hutt Cantina Skiff on the GTN it cost me 3 sell taps with my idea you can sell all 3 of the Hutt Cantina Skiff for the same price in 1 tap that means more the sell price per unit will be then 1kk from each stack and if you wane buy all 3 of then you pay the full 3kk price. (note: this is also a improvement idea for the buyer tap also.)
  • refresh option there is no refresh option on the sell tap from the GTN that reset's the sell time limit back to the 1 week or 2 weeks again now we have to wait when the sell time has run out and get the item back in the mail and we have to add then on the GTN again so why not add a refresh option so that we can reset the sell time back to 1 week or 2 weeks again.



now its the buyer tap improvements idea's:

  • like i told all for the sell tap improvement idea's to sell more items from the same stack in 1 sell tap most it also work to the buyers side so the idea is more the same with the sell improvement idea only its from the buyer side then.
  • add some favorieten search option menu. in some game's i have play there was a option in there own version of the GTN that you can save some search options you wane keep a eye on that means more if i wane keep a eye on some lightsaber's or one type of lightsaber i need to enter the name from that type of lightsaber always to see what the price is for that type of lightsaber but with the favorieten option i can save it and with 1 press on the button where the search link has been save it move's automatic to that type lightsaber and shows also the highst selling price or lowst selling price on what i have set it up.
  • i am sure people wane see the sell/buy limit on the GTN from 1 bill to something higher but that is something the developers most choose for there own if there wane do that.


if there are other players that have some other sell or buyer tap improvements idea's post then and i add then to this post.

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While there are plenty of ways the GTN could be more user-friendly, there are a lot more pressing concerns for Broadsword to focus on. It's been fine for well over a decade, and updates to the GTN can wait compared to other areas of the game. 

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2 hours ago, arunav said:

While there are plenty of ways the GTN could be more user-friendly, there are a lot more pressing concerns for Broadsword to focus on. It's been fine for well over a decade, and updates to the GTN can wait compared to other areas of the game. 

there is a mega list of things broadsword needs to focus on and i think 90% of the mega list there need to focus on gets ignore like always.

for exmple: i see then not starting to fix the mega long list of bugs we have report i think its only become longer and longer the list with new bugs there are ignore.

same with the contant flow i see then not become better at al only has become more worse since the 7.0 expension from last year that was not a expension at all with the crap new contant we got and the contant flow has also become more bad then it was before since we normal have now reach the 8.0 expension with there each year new expension release and we get now 7.3.1 update.


edit: why do we have a new layout for the companion sheet, invertory sheet, skill tree sheet, character sheet and some other UI chance's then when in other areas of the game needs more focus so explane that then why something like that needs to change when there are other parts of the game that needs a lot more focus on and not get.

Edited by Spikanor
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