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Make the game harder during class stories

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13 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

i think what you define what is hard if it give's you somewhat a challance to beat it.

Again, the problem is this is a very subjective determination. It needs to be completely objective if you are going to add increased rewards. Running the same level character through certain heroics using stealth is much easier than running a glass cannon DPS. How do you differentiate between them when they may have the same overall stats and levels (the equation becomes complicated very quickly).

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3 minutes ago, DWho said:

the problem is this is a very subjective determination. It needs to be completely objective if you are going to add increased rewards.

let me ask you this then.

if you play the knights of the fallen empire and the knights of the eternal throne story line on venteran mode do the rewards you get also increased more when you play then on normal mode or are then more the same rewards you get.

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9 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

let me ask you this then.

if you play the knights of the fallen empire and the knights of the eternal throne story line on venteran mode do the rewards you get also increased more when you play then on normal mode or are then more the same rewards you get.

Yes, but if I play a "weak" character vs a "strong" character (ie more challenging), the rewards are the same. If you create separate versions of the content then you can include things that do make it harder and the increased rewards are justified. You can't do that in a milieu where different rewards are being applied based on your selection of level sync. The KotFE and KotET veteran modes are more than just lowering your stats through level sync.

How much harder is it really for a level 80 character with 40 levels of reduction than a level 30 character with 10 levels of reduction doing missions on Coruscant (or any of the first 3 planets or so). Should that level 80 character get better rewards just because he is taking a bigger level reduction than his lower level counterpart even though the content may still be easier of him because of his level based abilities. What about someone with all of the legacy datacrons collected vs someone with none. On low level planets the datacrons do make a difference. Should the person with fewer datacrons collected get better rewards?

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6 minutes ago, DWho said:

Yes, but if I play a "weak" character vs a "strong" character (ie more challenging), the rewards are the same. If you create separate versions of the content then you can include things that do make it harder and the increased rewards are justified. You can't do that in a milieu where different rewards are being applied based on your selection of level sync. The KotFE and KotET veteran modes are more than just lowering your stats through level sync.

before the planet sync system has been add in the game the rewards you get from the story line missions are the same when there have add the system.

so that means the rewards you get from defeating a lvl 50 boss from your last chapter is the same when you defeat now a lvl 10 boss from your last chapter for some class.

the only diffrend is you use diffrend skills now.

back then you use lvl 50 skills for a lvl 50 boss now you use lvl 80 skills for a lvl 10 boss fight.

same was before 7.0 then it was you use lvl 75 skills for a lvl 10 boss fight.

the point is more that the level sync system is doing it job good on the open area's from the game but its doing a wrong job when it come's to the story contant.

a lvl 80 character that most fight a level 10 end boss is a joke when before that he was fighting a lvl 40 enemy from corellia and now most fight a lvl 10 end boss then something is compleet wrong if before he was fighting a much higher level enemy and now he most fight the end boss that is 70 levels below him.


then here is something what a lot of people have suggest all.

when you start a new char you can choose the difficulty on what for level you wane play the story line missions inside the class barrier. ( can also count for the expension story line missions also that are inside the barrier) that you can choose between normal mode like we have now.

or lets call it old school mode for now.

in the old school mode all the story line missions got the same stats and level as before there adding the level sync system in the game.

that means that in the sith worrier story line you fight in chapter 3 against a lvl 50 boss like it was before not level 10 but level 50 again same stats it got back then.

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