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Game Won't Launch


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Same here!


- Windows 7 64 Bit

- download update and installing worked perfectly

- klick "play" -> nothing happens, button greyed out

- klick on launcher window, play button light up

- klick "play" -> nothing happens, button greyed out

- checked "compability mode" -> nothing selected

- closed launcher

- downloaded DirectX9, decompressed ist, run SetUp, restarted windows

- start launcher, klick "play" -> nothing happens, button greyed out

- closed launcher

- checked unblocking of SWtoR in Windows-Firewall and Microsoft Security Essentials

- deactivated Windows-Firewall and Microsoft Security Essentials

- start launcher, klick "play" -> nothing happens, button greyed out

- klick on launcher window, play button light up

- klick "play" -> nothing happens, button greyed out


The launcher appears to work perfectly, no hang up, nothing. It just don't do nothing or don't conect anywhere. The whole 35 GB update ist just a "launcher killer" or "hey guys, we close the game and camouflage it as an update". :D

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