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Dear EA Devs, let me help you fix DRMs


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The fix for Daily Resource Matrices is simple. Two easy changes are needed:

  • Give us the possibility to convert them to Tech Frags (like we already have with all the other commendations), and
  • Fix the "weekly progress" and the hard cap, as these are inverted. Specifically:

Some dummy inverted the weekly and hard caps. I can earn up to 2500 in a week, except the last 1300 will be lost to the hard cap. Makes no sense, right?

So invert the weekly cap and the hard cap, and give us the possibility to convert them to Tech Frags. Simple.

You're welcome.

Edited by Syrlex
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31 minutes ago, Syrlex said:

The fix for Daily Resource Matrices is simple. Two easy changes are needed:

  • Give us the possibility to convert them to Tech Frags (like we already have with all the other commendations), and
  • Fix the "weekly progress" and the hard cap, as these are inverted. Specifically:

Some dummy inverted the weekly and hard caps. I can earn up to 2500 in a week, except the last 1300 will be lost to the hard cap. Makes no sense, right?

So invert the weekly cap and the hard cap, and give us the possibility to convert them to Tech Frags. Simple.

You're welcome.

While I agree with being able to convert the DRMs to tech frags, inverting the on hand cap and weekly cap is a no.  Just spend some of those DRM to make room for the others you will get.  It would piss me off more to hit a weekly cap of 1200 when I can hold 2500.   

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On 3/4/2023 at 6:28 AM, Syrlex said:

The fix for Daily Resource Matrices is simple. Two easy changes are needed:

  • Give us the possibility to convert them to Tech Frags (like we already have with all the other commendations), and

For the love of god, yes please.

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