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Removed the old sith war blade?


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It's a well-known bug that arrived with 7.0, linked to the ability to play that scene on any Sith/Jedi combat style.

And I'll say that there was no reason for it, when the player plays Juggernaut or Marauder style.  Maybe even SageSorc and Guardian/Sentinel, where the main-hand was a single-blade sabre.  They had to do *something* for Assassin/Shadows, because the old weapon was a 1-blade weapon, and the A/S should be using the equivalent of a 2-blade weapon.

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On 1/8/2023 at 1:32 AM, GeneralGyro said:

The beginning of the sith warrior story gave you a cool looking sith war blade but now you get a practice blade instead? Come on..


You even see the old sith war blade in the armory!

Is it the same Ancient Sith War Blade that's available on the Cartel Market, or a different one? 🤔

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8 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:

The CM one is a waist-carry sword rather than the curved-cone back-carry hitting stick that we used to get from the tomb.

Well now you've got me wondering if that one is still available anywhere in the game, or on the Galactic Trade Network, and also what it looks like? 🤔

I've just created my first Force User character 2 days ago, my 4th character in the game overall, and he's a Sith Sorcerer.  His weapon is the Ancient Sith War Blade from the Cartel Market because it perfectly fits with my character concept for this one.  Would have been nice if there was a Class Story Mission involving him obtaining an Ancient Sith Blade, that would have been perfect! 

Edited by ReKabNad
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5 hours ago, ReKabNad said:

also what it looks like? 🤔 

The one people are complaining about is in the Sith Warrior story on Korriban, right near the beginning.  Your initial contact on Korriban (his name is in the spoiler box),


Overseer Tremel

sends you into the initial tomb to recover a Sith Warblade.

It's almost(1) the first main-story thing you do after creating the character, so it doesn't take much time to play far enough to see it.

(1) You talk to the initial contact, he sends you to the tomb to get the weapon, you wander through the tomb just like the Inquisitor does, and you reach a point where there is an origin-specific instance, and the Sith Warblade everyone is complaining about (including me, frankly) is shown there.

Edited by SteveTheCynic
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40 minutes ago, SteveTheCynic said:

It's almost(1) the first main-story thing you do after creating the character, so it doesn't take much time to play far enough to see it.

(1) You talk to the initial contact, he sends you to the tomb to get the weapon, you wander through the tomb just like the Inquisitor does, and you reach a point where there is an origin-specific instance, and the Sith Warblade everyone is complaining about (including me, frankly) is shown there.

So, did they just stop having you do that instance or something? 🤔

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1 hour ago, Shayddow said:

no, they replaced the weapon you get afterwards. They tried to do the same thing to the inquisitor years ago (got rid of Kallig mask and lightsaber) and enough of us protested that that decision was overhauled.

Well, I found THIS VIDEO on YouTube and it shows what the sword looks/looked like.  I have to say that I'm not impressed, just like a slightly improved version of the practice sword you start with, and a bit rusty looking, too.  I greatly prefer my Ancient Sith War Blade from the Cartel Marketplace! 😈

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1 hour ago, RowanThursday said:

Now if only they'd grasp the simple statement "Kallig's Countenance is a *mask*, and so should be set to *allow* hoods. End of story."

I believe we could probably say this about some other masks in the game, as well. :csw_fett:

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1 hour ago, RowanThursday said:

Now if only they'd grasp the simple statement "Kallig's Countenance is a *mask*, and so should be set to *allow* hoods. End of story."

The said statement is a statement of *opinion*.  I prefer it to hide hoods.  (And it's a full-head helmet, not just a mask.)

And in fact the correct solution is to move hood-hiding from your helmet to a dedicated toggle in the Outfitter.

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2 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:

The said statement is a statement of *opinion*.  I prefer it to hide hoods.  (And it's a full-head helmet, not just a mask.)

And in fact the correct solution is to move hood-hiding from your helmet to a dedicated toggle in the Outfitter.

Oh, I won't disagree with that. Though since voices have been yelling "Give us a #&@%ing hood toggle, we'll gladly pay for it, Bioware" for eleven *years* now, I have to assume that either they can't, for either some bizarre reason of code that we mortals wot not of, or because they lost the instructions to Hero Engine down the back of the mysteriously interactive yet non-operational sabaac table on the Esseles, or else that they won't, out of sheer awkwardness. It's one of the lesser known spheres of the Dark Council. Darth Obstinus, Dark Lord of the Sphere of Denying Hood Toggle.

Perhaps a workaround would simply be to reward two versions of the dratted thing "Kallig's Countenance (cowled)" and "Kallig's Countenance (removes hoods)".

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10 hours ago, RowanThursday said:

Oh, I won't disagree with that. Though since voices have been yelling "Give us a #&@%ing hood toggle, we'll gladly pay for it, Bioware" for eleven *years* now, I have to assume that either they can't, for either some bizarre reason of code that we mortals wot not of, or because they lost the instructions to Hero Engine down the back of the mysteriously interactive yet non-operational sabaac table on the Esseles, or else that they won't, out of sheer awkwardness.

I've been a developer for 34 years now, and I've seen weirder reasons for not doing things than you imply here, but yes, especially the last bit.

10 hours ago, RowanThursday said:

It's one of the lesser known spheres of the Dark Council. Darth Obstinus, Dark Lord of the Sphere of Denying Hood Toggle.

I feel a new character coming on.  Thanks for that.  ;) 

10 hours ago, RowanThursday said:

Perhaps a workaround would simply be to reward two versions of the dratted thing "Kallig's Countenance (cowled)" and "Kallig's Countenance (removes hoods)".

That would work, although it doesn't scale well across all the different helmets people would want it for.  I can directly name at least three others:

  • Eradicator's Mask (doesn't hide the hood of the Eradicator's set)
  • Ravager's mask (the Ragager chest looks pretty good without a hood, but the mask doesn't hide it)
  • Silent Ghost mask (I'd like to be able to wear the set with the mask and without the hood)

As I said, that's just three others.  Ultimately, I feel that making our characters' hoods visible or not should be up to us rather than up to our helmets.

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It would make sense. It'd pretty much answer all the qqing over "But it would cause clipping...!" with a simple response.

Yes. You were provided with the option.

Q. How do I fix clipping between my headgear and my hood?

A. Simple, follow this easy workthrough:

  1. Wear my chestpiece with the hood up.
  2. Wear the helmet I want to wear.
  3. Look at it. Does it clip?
  4. If so, does it offend you, or don't you care?
  5. If it offends you, put the hood down.


I think though, back to the point at hand, to be fair to the OP, it does seem to be part of a recurrent problem- an attitude of "Let's remove content to simplify problems, rather than fixing them." 

"The Sith Warrior gets a (slightly) cooler weapon earlier on which wouldn't be appropriate for Assassins- let's remove it altogether, rather than just picking a comparative 'slightly less crappy looking than the starting stick' training electrostaff weapon from our visual library and giving that to Assassins on the relevant quest."

Personally- and I suspect this would be a minority opinion- I still rather mourn the way that we get forced into advanced class at level one now. Having the combat styles option has improved that a lot, of course, but I'd still kind of prefer for my shadows and assassins to start with a regular training blade, and my sentinels and marauders start out fighting single-stick, and for the 'this ability requires ....' type abilities to come in later in the tree, as we start to specialise in that combat area. I've a couple of times just plain grabbed a random vibrosword out of collections and equipped that instead, just forgoing things like 'discharge' and so on until I get to the point of actually getting a proper dualsaber, and it seems to work reasonably well.

Edited by RowanThursday
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On 2/10/2023 at 4:07 PM, ReKabNad said:

Well, I found THIS VIDEO on YouTube and it shows what the sword looks/looked like.  I have to say that I'm not impressed, just like a slightly improved version of the practice sword you start with, and a bit rusty looking, too.  I greatly prefer my Ancient Sith War Blade from the Cartel Marketplace! 😈

Oh, hey, I remember that thing. It always struck me as looking rather clownish - like a miniature jousting lance. Had they given sith an actual BLADE, I can see being up in arms over losing it. But a slightly ornate (but not in a cool way) vibro sword? We'll get through this loss, I think.

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17 hours ago, AJediKnight said:

Oh, hey, I remember that thing. It always struck me as looking rather clownish - like a miniature jousting lance. Had they given sith an actual BLADE, I can see being up in arms over losing it. But a slightly ornate (but not in a cool way) vibro sword? We'll get through this loss, I think.

Or they can just fix it...


shocking, I know. Your opinion isn't the only one on the planet.

Edited by GeneralGyro
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On 2/13/2023 at 2:09 AM, AJediKnight said:

Oh, hey, I remember that thing. It always struck me as looking rather clownish - like a miniature jousting lance. Had they given sith an actual BLADE, I can see being up in arms over losing it. But a slightly ornate (but not in a cool way) vibro sword? We'll get through this loss, I think.

I agree. I always thought that a jousting lance as a sword didn't make a lot of sense even at launch. I couldn't wait until I got my lightsaber to replace that ugly cone.

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50 minutes ago, GeneralGyro said:

Contrarian for the sake of it.

lol. sure. whatever.

it's an ugly weapon and I didn't care for it. it was so irrelevant that I didn't even notice it'd been changed when I ran a new warrior through Korriban last month because the sword they give you is just as ugly as the one it replaced. All the low level vibro swords are ugly and this is such a minor change that I'm actually surprised anyone cares enough to make a post about it.

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I made a bug report on this when 7.0 came out, but it is yet to be fixed. It's due to the combat styles and the changes they made to accommodate it. Whoever did it did a pretty lazy job and made a lot of errors like this. The Jedi Knight can no longer get a dark saber if they take the dark option as well as the Warblade issue above.

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3 hours ago, Dirtnose said:

The Jedi Knight can no longer get a dark saber if they take the dark option as well as the Warblade issue above.

I just the other day did the make-your-lightsabre step of a JK/Guardian on Tython.  I got a dark-mode sabre *and* a light-mode sabre.  On a Guardian combat style.

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