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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Better Gear Management Systems Please!


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I would love it if BioWare could improve gear management.  Things I would like to see are:

  • All Collection Sets and the Moddable Sets in Fleet be made Bound To Legacy
  • Being able to "Lock" gear so you can't accidentally sell, dismantle, delete, upgrade, or otherwise lose the item on accident
  • Being able to "Tag" gear with a small overlay Icon or colorization that matches the Roles icons so I can mark items as being Tanking item, DPS Items, or Healing items
  • Make the system not require 15 open slots to switch between sets automatically.  I can switch sets manually with zero open slots but it takes a lot more time.
  • Some kind of better shared gear set storage so I can more easily share gear, instead of having to remember who I left it on and pulling it off, placing in the account Cargo hold


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