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7.2 PvP Feedback: The Death of The PvP Community


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well as the competitive players have mentioned,  removing Rank WZ takes away competitive play. They're not going to find in any where else. in this game

And those that do stay, will make WZ's terrible for the Casual PvP'ers.

I enjoy and mostly PvP, but not in SWtOR,  It's is the only TAB/Click Targeting PvP'ing that I have done, for more then 3 or 4 matches before saying "screw this".  I just can't stand TAB/Click targeting. I like to believe the PvP'ing here is pretty damn cool, I've  been quite about this whole Rank removal thing till now, because I don't do rank here. But I do understand Competitive play.

I can't add any more then what's already been said, just that removing Rank WZ should not happen. It's removal doesn't affect me in any way. I do tho support the Competitive players , and them having a place to play competitive in, with others of the same

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