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Untapped potencial for GS3 minigame


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I like the theme of the new Galactic Season, it is a bit different from the usual (reminds me of Feast event, which is also so different and hilarious).

But I can't stop thinking about how little thought went into realization... I mean, one of the things to do with the new companion is to catch cheaters across the galaxy. That's what they are telling us when we first meet.

We all know about respawn time of Gamblers, and massive number of players that wait to click skill faster than others. I think that's something that will get better over time, and is a problem because the season just premiered.

But why the whole idea fells like someone did not care to make it more interesting.

  • Why Vertica Club - the biggest gambling place in SW:TOR - does not have cheaters, apparently. There is no "caching zone", which is very stupid.
  • Why gambling NPCs stays only in front of the slot machines? Why not add them to the Sabak tables, and other tables?
  • Why there is no "caching zone" in the VIP zone on the Fleet as well? There will be a point to go there.
  • Why caching cheater does not give a player a single G.A.M.E. Analysis Modules? I mean, if the droid wants to figure out that someone is cheating they need some data, right? And they have more and more after each catch.
  • Why caching cheater does not increase influence of new companion? They literally told us that caching cheaters is their new goal. That will make sense, right?

All those ideas don't require anything new. Just more creative usage of what's there already.

I hope maybe devs can think about implementing some of these in the close future.

Do you have any other ideas?


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