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KotET Ch8 Thoughts


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I'm coming up to this on my Knight, and I've been having the same thought over and over:

Why do either Torian or Vette need to die?

Like, I get that it's "fOr ThE pLoT". Star Wars does that all the time. But taking the entire game into account, they don't need to die. Especially with how the Alliance Arc handles Companion acquisition!

So, as a reminder, here are all the potential companions and specialists you could have access to at that point in the story that could possibly go in and save Torian/Vette (not including personality/story lacking companions):

  • 2V-R8
  • Ak'ghal Usar
  • Andronikos Revel
  • Arcann
  • Aric Jorgan
  • Ashara Zavros
  • Bey'wan Aygo
  • Blizz
  • Bowdaar
  • Broonmark
  • C2-N2
  • Choza Raabat
  • Dazh Ranos
  • Eckard Lokin
  • Gault Rennow
  • Hemdil Tre
  • HK-51
  • HK-55
  • Hylo Visz
  • K'krohl
  • Kaliyo Djannis
  • Koth Vortena
  • Lana Beniko
  • Languss "Guss" Tuno
  • "Deadeye" Leyta
  • M1-4X
  • Nico Okarr
  • Paxton Rall
  • Lt. Pierce
  • Qyzen Fess
  • Rokuss
  • Provost Marshal Rusk
  • Sana-Rae
  • Senya Tirall
  • Shae Vizla
  • Skadge
  • T7-01
  • Talos Drellik
  • Theron Shan
  • Treek
  • Vector Hyllus
  • Veeroa Denz
  • Xalek
  • Yuun
  • Z0-0M

This is literally a PLATOON'S WORTH OF PEOPLE. And you're telling me that not one could spare a few minutes to go give Torian/Vette some backup? ESPECIALLY ARCANN OR SENYA?

Not only is this a plot hole induced by mechanic choices, this is also just one of the many problems I have with companions at the moment.

Edited by Gamer_Auto
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Mainly because the amount of budget for the actual game is woefully out of wack. if you want an actually well developed MMO look at how many mechanics for player choice and agency they had. the questing was lame but you could literally create your own dungeons. I love this game but think if they just gave a little more effort to create new content i'd be down. like they could have had monthly conversations with literally every companion and they would have triple the subscribers they have now. get a team of writers and voice actors and get going

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4 minutes ago, Markus_Kekero said:

Mainly because the amount of budget for the actual game is woefully out of wack. if you want an actually well developed MMO look at how many mechanics for player choice and agency they had. the questing was lame but you could literally create your own dungeons. I love this game but think if they just gave a little more effort to create new content i'd be down. like they could have had monthly conversations with literally every companion and they would have triple the subscribers they have now. get a team of writers and voice actors and get going

They have both writers and voice actors. They just need to do it. I honestly would not mind if they held off on the main story for a bit and sprinkled in more Companion Dialogues throughout the game up to this point, just so we could get some kind of interaction with them again. From the sounds of people's reactions to LotS so far, they could do with a story hiatus.

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12 minutes ago, Markus_Kekero said:

Exactly my thoughts i see no reason they shouldn't be able to accomplish something like that especially with characters that don't even speak english


98 Companions (that's 2 American Platoons' worth) and they only barely use the characters you actually have, instead introducing more and more temporary Companions. Because, y'know, that makes sense.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Vector doesn't appear until after the end of KOTET, and he only appears for the Imperial Agent... but yes, there's a lot of potential characters that could have rescued both Torian and Vette.

Another example of wasted opportunity was companions that knew each other previously. For example, during Qyzen's companion story during the class stories, it turns out he and Mako knew each other. Mako rejoins the Bounty Hunter and also joins the Smuggler as a package deal with Akaavi Spar. If you're playing either class and also recruited Qyzen, there could be a short mission where you're in the cantina, and Qyzen and Mako run into each other.

And let's not forget that Vetta and Risha used to be BFF's. If you're a smuggler, after recruiting Risha, a reunion mission between her and Vette would have been awesome. Or Risha paying respects and mourning at Vette's grave if you chose to save Torian instead. 

Doc and Kaliyo were acquainted. Doc rejoins the Jedi Knight after the Ossus story. He and Kaliyo sharing a drink at the cantina would have been fun.



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