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Crafting // Harvesting defeated Enemies


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SERIOUSLY GUYS!! SERIOUSLY!!! I go to Belsavis with the intention, INTENTION of harvesting grade 5 crafting mats, I kill a couple bots, and get some Tech Frags, and I cannot harvest the droids. Like ***!!! Can we please fix the crafting nodes. Mats are at a premium now so it is imperative that ALL of the nodes be harvestable. This is completely unacceptable.
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In addition, could we maybe change the requirement for EVERYONE in a group to loot the downed enemy before you can loot it? Sometimes on FP's you get that one dude who just wants to speed through, won't loot anything, and it makes it so you cannot loot the fallen enemies. This is unacceptable. Mats are at a serious premium, and those are grade 11 mats we are talking about. Leaving them in the FP seems almost criminal.

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