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create a Mara Jade outfit w & w/o cape (ToR version) <3 <3 <3 (*pics)

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Create a Mara Jade outfit (ToR version) :sy_star:

She is my fav <3 <3 <3

CM just got a sweet Anakin ToR ver. outfit; really would love the female side replicated (I only play females toons (for obvious reasons)). (I bought the Anakin ToR outfit, but found the sashes going down the chest on both sides should really stick out more (instead of the bust)).

We currently have a Mara Jade ToR version lightsaber/ dualsaber platinum weapon that looks excellent: {Valiant Defender's} lightsaber/ dualsaber; would~ be~~ nice~ if the ToR version of Mara's Jade outfit w & w/o cape could go with it


Mara's Outfit version 1 without cape, (chest-piece w/o cape):



Mara's Outfit version 2 with cape, (chest-piece w/o cape (official model)):


Edited by BlackSilverDawn
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I don't play ESO, so don't know or care what it's armor looks like. 😁

Well, as usual in Elder Scrolls games, you begin as a prisoner somewhere(1), and you're wearing clothes that look like ...


Well, as if someone took them and kicked them a few times around the grubbier corners of the prison yard before giving them back to you.

But have you seen the armor in FFXIV?

I have, and it's a mixed bag. Some is just weird, while other parts do, indeed, look pretty nice.


(1) Exactly where depends on which chapter(s) you have paid for, but you're always a prisoner.

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