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Mobile Contagion Hidden Achievement Event - Come Join the Fun!


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Greetings! I am hosting a Rakghoul Mobile Contagion infection event coming this weekend on the imperial faction of Satele Shan server! If you're able to attend, please be sure to let me know in the comments on this thread! If you're interested, make sure to leave the following:

- Name of the character you'll be jumping with.

- How many characters / alts you are bringing.

- Name of the body you will be helping with farming on.

The rest of the information on this event is down below. Hope to see you guys there!


Mobile Contagion Hidden Achievement Event Information:


Date: August 28th

Time: Start 6:30 Pm CST - Ending 9:30 Pm CST



1 x Antiviral Kit MK-1, 2, 3 - or plenty of Rakghoul Vaccines.

Tatooine Personal Stronghold. (If you do not have enough credits to obtain one, please reach out to the event organizer.)

- LOTS OF PATIENCE, this will be a time consuming event, please be sure you have Plenty of time to allow others to gain their personal counts towards the achievement.

- Alts on both the Imperial and Republic faction. Bring as many as you need to. Please let the organizer know how many alts you are bringing.



Pre-Event information: Saturday August 27th:


1: Pre-Infect ALL of your characters you plan on bringing by attacking any infected NPC in the Rakghoul tunnels.

2: Wait 9.5 minutes to get to stage 2 infection of the plague.

3: Travel to your Tatooine stronghold and log out. Make sure you do not die until the day of the event. It is Your responsibility to do this at your own time.



During the event, when it is YOUR turn to farm, (Aka, Jumper) summon the operation group to your Tatooine stronghold and gather at the ground floor.

Everyone will be taking turns on being a Jumper in their own personal Tatooine stronghold. After you die, respawn and Log out as quickly as you can and continue to your next toon.

Bodies/ participants will be self cleancing via the vaccine or anti-viral kit to ensure the jumper will receive the infection counts.



Remember that this is a time consuming event, so please ensure you have plenty of time and patience until the event ends. This is a community event, so farm, infect, and have fun.

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