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Game Gearing


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Hi folks, I started playing SWTOR at beta, so played this game for over 10 years. I did not mind the grinding it took to get the best gear for my 16 classes. But I do mind now, this is the worst gearing system I saw them come out with and requires way too much grinding. I hate it! My wish is that you Bioware/Lucas Arts/ EA folks would sell at least the top/purple gear for 10 bucks a Toon. I would pay 15 bucks per Toon. Give me a break guys, I cannot stand to grind this time. Remember what I said, this is the worst gearing system you guys came out with so far. I got so mad, I stopped playing and it has been over 3 weeks now. Maybe I will wait for the next new gearing system, yeah, maybe in another year or two? My friends know me as Qi'muss.
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I'm good. I'll wait for the next gear system as well as new crafting to make mods like before. (If that doesn't happen then most likely the game is truly in maintenance mode and I'll hang around for the goodbyes) The only gripe I have is the economy. But if I can craft good stuff like what we had previously with the gear before the i306. Heck I could just make them again or mod the 306 that I saved. P2W is a really bad turn for the game. It might work for others but would put the final nail in the coffin for SWTOR.
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But I do mind now, this is the worst gearing system I saw them come out with and requires way too much grinding.


Getting a full 326 gear only takes a month or two playing very casually and that's too much grinding? How fast did it use to be before?

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This gearing system is actually as easy if not easier than 6.0. I think ppl just need to take the time to figure it out because, yes it is a bit more confusing. I've had my purple 326s since about 3 weeks into the xpac, and have all 326 greens for all my alts. Guess it depends on what content you are doing but with loudouts now, and all the gear being cookie cutter stats wise, it takes one click to send gear back and forth between toons. Edited by Samcuu
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This gearing system is actually as easy if not easier than 6.0. I think ppl just need to take the time to figure it out because, yes it is a bit more confusing. I've had my purple 326s since about 3 weeks into the xpac, and have all 326 greens for all my alts. Guess it depends on what content you are doing but with loudouts now, and all the gear being cookie cutter stats wise, it takes one click to send gear back and forth between toons.


How can you say that unless you never understood the older system? I could Play story missions only and gain my 306 gear. I even managed to earn a full set of Apex Predator gear that way. I put 306 DPS gear on my tank toon until it looted all 306 tank gear running story only. The old system was for the casual player.

I don't give a Hoot about your 2 cents saying I don't need top gear unless I run operations. Frankly, they should have never given me Play the way I want to only take it away and cattier to the 1%.


They ruined Gear acquisition here and it will cost them.

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How can you say that unless you never understood the older system? I could Play story missions only and gain my 306 gear. I even managed to earn a full set of Apex Predator gear that way. I put 306 DPS gear on my tank toon until it looted all 306 tank gear running story only. The old system was for the casual player.

I don't give a Hoot about your 2 cents saying I don't need top gear unless I run operations. Frankly, they should have never given me Play the way I want to only take it away and cattier to the 1%.


They ruined Gear acquisition here and it will cost them.


You already answered ur own question. The most fun I have in this game is pvp so I got full 326 purples for that aspect, but I'm unbothered by having 326 greens for doing conquest and solo content. You don't need anything better, just because a higher gear set exists doesn't mean you need it for the content you do. It's not like they took away set bonuses or somrthing important like that. Gold augs existed in 6.0, did u have a full set of Gold augs too just cuz u could (even tho u don't need them and I think they gave u like a 3% bonus to ur stats)?

Edited by Samcuu
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This gearing system is actually as easy if not easier than 6.0. I think ppl just need to take the time to figure it out because, yes it is a bit more confusing. I've had my purple 326s since about 3 weeks into the xpac, and have all 326 greens for all my alts. Guess it depends on what content you are doing but with loudouts now, and all the gear being cookie cutter stats wise, it takes one click to send gear back and forth between toons.


New gearing : play as they want. Hold gearing : play as we want.

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New gearing : play as they want. Hold gearing : play as we want.


Only thing I've been forced to do, was GSF. And you don't even have to do GSF to get the purple 326 it's only faster if u do it. What exactly are u being forced to do? 6.0 was not a good gearing system. Mostly RNG and if u wanted to gear quickly it was HS or RR fps. There really isn't much difference now. Anyways the tech frags situation is being rectified tomorrow so a lot more activities will now reward more tech frags. Lots of qqing over grinding gear in an mmo as if that's not what every mmo has been based on for 20 years 😂😂

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I am having a bit of a punishing experience regarding 7.0 gearing. I wish there other ways to acquire missing slots of gear that RNG refuses to drop. It has been a slow, punishing grind and I hope to be able to craft missing gear or mods for orange gear someday.


At this point my main is about half way through 326, due to two 330 legendary implants. Boots, bracers, gloves, off hand, one relic and ear piece are green 326 conquest gear as they haven't been dropping from bosses or activity reward crates, at least those that weren't empty. Bracers finally dropped last week, green 322, making it a downgrade/side grade to the equipped 326 conquest green.


About half of all drops have been implants. 40% have been chest, legs, or main hands, with about 10% being most of the others. Of the 40%, half of those have been chest pieces.


Gloves have never dropped. Only one pair of boots and two head pieces have ever dropped.


I get a relic once in a while, but almost the only relic type that has ever dropped is Serendipitous Assault, mostly green 320 or 322 with a few blue 320s. The exception is one blue 320 Devastating Vengeance.


In OPS and FPs the bosses sometimes drop the same gear slot during the run, like RNG is stuck or something --nearly always a duplicate, downgrade or side grade. A run of a story mode S&V last week resulted in 5 main hands at 320 or 322 and two 320 blue implants. Similarly with hard modes. I've done some Nim, but disappointed by only getting implant downgrades.

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How can you say that unless you never understood the older system? I could Play story missions only and gain my 306 gear. I even managed to earn a full set of Apex Predator gear that way. I put 306 DPS gear on my tank toon until it looted all 306 tank gear running story only. The old system was for the casual player.

I don't give a Hoot about your 2 cents saying I don't need top gear unless I run operations. Frankly, they should have never given me Play the way I want to only take it away and cattier to the 1%.


They ruined Gear acquisition here and it will cost them.


Got my 306 gear solo running FPs pre-7.0 and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. Even farmed my rump off so I could make my own top tier mods for it all.

But I will never get the better 326 gear now because it is locked away behind the part of the game I don't want to play. And before you ask why I even want it...Maybe I just like to feel Strong too????


As I already stated, I used to run FPs, and I always tried other things just to see if I could do them solo or not.

But now with all this gear mess up I am not even looking at doing anything beyond class, companion and planetary quests.


I used to feel that we all were on the same playing field on this game gear wise, but not now.

I feel that this new gearing system has divided us and I am now discriminated against because I don't want to play the game I PAY to play... the way the Dev's want me to play. How is that fair?


With that said....I think they need to offer another tier to the subscription plan. $ 7.99 with no access to FPs, OPs, or things of that nature. Seems fair to me.


This is just my opinion, take it as you will. And don't bother to troll me or spew toxicity at me for my post because I will not respond to either. Have A Nice Day!

Edited by TiaNicole
left out some words and fixing a typo
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How can you say that unless you never understood the older system? I could Play story missions only and gain my 306 gear. I even managed to earn a full set of Apex Predator gear that way. I put 306 DPS gear on my tank toon until it looted all 306 tank gear running story only. The old system was for the casual player.

I don't give a Hoot about your 2 cents saying I don't need top gear unless I run operations. Frankly, they should have never given me Play the way I want to only take it away and cattier to the 1%.


They ruined Gear acquisition here and it will cost them.


Yeah, I love doing HM Ops and HM Flash Points. Now I cannot do them. And I been a casual player for about year now, so it will take me too long to get the Purple 326 gears with the current gearing system they have now. It really sucks for me now. I stopped playing SWTOR 3 weeks ago because of it. I think I will wait for a year or more before I come back.

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Yeah, I love doing HM Ops and HM Flash Points. Now I cannot do them. And I been a casual player for about year now, so it will take me too long to get the Purple 326 gears with the current gearing system they have now. It really sucks for me now. I stopped playing SWTOR 3 weeks ago because of it. I think I will wait for a year or more before I come back.


Why is it so hard to get gear ⚙️ If you like HMs. Do a few FPS to get blues. That or wait and do HMs to get your blues. Either way it’s not hard to get 326 in green. Which is what you are meant to have to enter HM ops.

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