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Second Chance for Love.... Second Redux


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How about giving us a second chance to flirt with and romance our missed Love Interest.


I know there are many of us that may have messed up or simply missed a clue and did not get the chance to romance Lana as the Love Interest of our choice.

There are many of us that either did not select the correct conversation option, game bugged out, did not start early enough or messed up some in some way that did not allow us to have Lana as a Love Interest.


Is there any way of allowing us... "A Second Chance for Love" ...< good name for the missions.... Hint.... Hint


It has now been 4 years since I first posted this and it is still relivent as players still want a chance to romance a Lost Love... No matter who it may be. Since we are STILL so closely tied to our companions it should be possible to rekindle that Spark.


Please give us that Chance to woo the Love of our Life once again.

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