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Manaan FP bug


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I was in a Manaan veteran fp group with 3 other people, we killed the mobs and reached the first boss ( Sairisi). There.. SURPRISE! There was a fifth person with an HK 51 companion killing Sairisi ! We couldn't communicate with that person, he obviously couldn't see us and "our" Sairisi was nowhere to be found. We had no idea what to do and quit fp.

Gotta say, this is the weirdest thing i've seen :confused:

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I was in a Manaan veteran fp group with 3 other people, we killed the mobs and reached the first boss ( Sairisi). There.. SURPRISE! There was a fifth person with an HK 51 companion killing Sairisi ! We couldn't communicate with that person, he obviously couldn't see us and "our" Sairisi was nowhere to be found. We had no idea what to do and quit fp.

Gotta say, this is the weirdest thing i've seen :confused:


This flashpoint is so buggy. I had three bugs hit me yesterday in there where I had to load out to my ship and back again. Also no way to exit the flaspoint when finished. No clickable or exit button on the map. Every time I have run this there is a bug.

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