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Changes to 7.0 that I still want to see...


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1- Stop mix/matching currencies for gear. It's just too complicated, and, frankly, a pain in the neck. PvPers, Fp players, and Ops players shouldn't have to do solo activities to get gear. As a soloer, I shouldn't have to sacrifice some of my main gear parts to get legendaries either - the tech fragment amount required is already huge. Stick to one currency per style.


2- If you really want to see more people out in the world, make solo activities more rewarding. That means giving an upgrade in the reward box for Heroic/Planet weeklies. Every other mode does it - why should solo players be shafted even more? Their gear is already subpar.


3- In the same idea, put back the heroic mission CQ goal. Or at least add one worth 5k for completing a Heroic weekly. You can get 6k failing a GSF match, which takes 15 minutes, why should this be different?


4- add mods for gear. Really... this is a mess. I'm tired of having to log on the right character to get the piece with the accuracy I need - because yep, we need more pieces with accuracy, and nobody but PvPers care about having crit on a piece of gear when we're already forced into crit weapons and legendaries. It's just awful. Let us buy mods.


5- Veteran FP gear should also cap at 326. There's NO REASON why it doesn't. It's already a pain without a healer.


6- remove implants from loot boxes. They are useless.


7- give main story missions some upgrade parts as a reward when done at level 80. Right now, if you follow the story and get level 80 in Ilum or something, you will not get ANY reward towards gearing from missions. At least with renown you got renown boxes, and could get 276-278 gear just from doing the story. Now, you get nothing except random currency drops... That's not ok.


Please remember - the game is supposed to be fun. We shouldn't need a Master in calculus to figure out if we can really afford an upgrade while saving for a Legendaries or how to actually reach Conquest on our alts.

Edited by Pricia
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