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Question: Where to find NPC Lore Resources for Fan Fics online


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Does anyone have any favorite resources to use for looking up information on minor NPCs in the SWTOR Class stories or World-stories?


I've skimmed things like Wookepedia, and a few other sites but very few that I've found have a very detailed listing on the NPCs outside of their name. I've noticed that in the process of doing the quests they'll drop information about themselves that hasn't always been put into what resources I've found.


I'm just curious to know if anyone already has a few good sites they know about to reference besides Wookiepedia.


[in case you were curious, I want to write a fan-fic with OCs and minor NPCs that run concurrently with the class-stories, but ultimately tells the tale of the Sith or Jedi (or other characters) involved in some of the major events that took care of some of the additional issues that came up beyond straight class story. I plan on possibly re-telling what it woudl be like to infiltrate the Revanites that were involved with SoR, as well as the story behind people trying to resist the Zakuul occupation of the Republic and Empire while the "Outlander" was in carbonite]



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For most of them, there isn't any lore outside of what you learn from their stories as you interact with them. Note that sites like Wookieepedia are wikis just like Wikipedia, and if you find the lore stored there to be incomplete, nothing stops you from adding the missing stuff yourself. They'd probably appreciate the assistance.
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