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Convert to "Preferred Currency" option


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I wonder if the ability to ... exchange one currency into another of your choice would be a good idea.

For example, the specific currency you need to upgrade your gear: Hazardous Matter Catalysts, Decurion Isotope Stabilizer, Thyrsian Production Accelerant etc.


Let's say I prefer to go for Flashpoints gear route (Elite and Supreme Decurion), but as I completed other activities (PvP, Operations) I got other pieces that have their own route to get upgraded. Should I reverse these items that are specific to these other activities I should still get a few tokens of their related currency which, in my case, are of no use for my goal to complete the Decurion (Flashpoints route) gear set. I know I could still play with gear of various "flavours", but I'd prefer to go for a simple, clean way. This way, even if I'm ...forced to do other activities for Conquest points, it will still benefit my own goal and feel less of a burden.


In this case, I would like to have the possibility to select e "preferred" currency for when I reverse an item and get, say, Flashpoint gear currency from any other activity I (need to) complete. Much the same as how you select which of your preferred specializations should your gear drops match.


The idea behind this comes from realizing that I have many currencies (again!) that don't fit my current needs and only clutter my "Currencies" tab. This suggestion mentioned the gear specific currencies, but there are others that will sit there in my currencies tab forever (so to speak), like the Ranked PvP tokens from some earlier season that are too few to exchange for anything.


On the other hand, however one tries to play, too soon you hit the cap on a currency while not having enough of others to exchange it for. Or a huge "cap" for currencies you get in a very small quantity and small cap on currencies you get in much larger quantities, like Medals of Commendations when you complete your weekly task. Being able to convert currencies into the one you actually need would make any content a lot more appealing to complete.

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