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Can't buy new Fleet Stronghold due to owning the other faction's?


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As you know, with the previous Galactic Seasons we could only get enough tokens to buy one of the new Fleet Strongholds, either Carrick or Vaiken. Each cost 8 tokens and the maximum you get per season is 15.


I purposely left my remaining 7 unspent in order to get me on this season the other fleet stronghold, but upon purchase, the consumable item does not work and tells me I already own the stronghold, when in fact, I don't. I've heard of others complaining about it, but I have checked the known issues list and this has not definitely been addressed yet.


Please, allow us to purchase both strongholds, because nowhere it was stated that players would only get access to one and that we were supposed to make a choice.

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What it finally worked for me was using a character of the correct faction with the correct class. My Consular as Assassin could not use the item, but my Knight as Guardian could.


Just leaving it here in case someone else runs into this.

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