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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

You could fix almost everything by giving us a mod vendor


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I really don't understand why you don't want us to have mods.


People are not happy that they can't use their cartel weapons - that would fix that.

People are not happy that they can't adjust their stats - that would fix that.

People have too many credits - make the mods 200k each and that would fix that.


All you have to do is put a vendor that sells mods up to our current item rating for credits. That would make half the pissed off people happy. And it would cost you NOTHING.


(Conquest would still suck but that would be something).

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I really don't understand why you don't want us to have mods.


People are not happy that they can't use their cartel weapons - that would fix that.

People are not happy that they can't adjust their stats - that would fix that.

People have too many credits - make the mods 200k each and that would fix that.


All you have to do is put a vendor that sells mods up to our current item rating for credits. That would make half the pissed off people happy. And it would cost you NOTHING.


(Conquest would still suck but that would be something).


Agree. This would be huge.


Of course there is the super weird issue that some gear paths get 326 green, some get 326 blue, some get 326 purple (a totally unnecessary and uncool way to make some styles of gameplay more "elite" than others), but this mod vendor would be a huge step in the right direction.


Not being able to use cartel weapons we paid real life money for is really unacceptable.

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I really don't understand why you don't want us to have mods.


People are not happy that they can't use their cartel weapons - that would fix that.

People are not happy that they can't adjust their stats - that would fix that.

People have too many credits - make the mods 200k each and that would fix that.


All you have to do is put a vendor that sells mods up to our current item rating for credits. That would make half the pissed off people happy. And it would cost you NOTHING.


Don't disagree, but this would let BW off the hook too easily. They also need to ungimp companions.


Easiest path for BW is simply fessing up to a wretched effort and rolling the game back to pre-7.0. Let's face it, the lights will be turned off in about a year -- at least make it a healthy, fun last year.

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Don't disagree, but this would let BW off the hook too easily. They also need to ungimp companions.


Easiest path for BW is simply fessing up to a wretched effort and rolling the game back to pre-7.0. Let's face it, the lights will be turned off in about a year -- at least make it a healthy, fun last year.


Roll back? Hell no. Roll back some features? Hell yes.


And I'm not saying it would fix everything (my main issue right now is CQ, so obviously that wouldn't touch it), but it would fix a few things.

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But would it be green mods? Is it upgradeable? Which currency to buy them? What would be the max item rating of those mods?


Why would the color matter? They'd just be mods that you buy for credits up to your item rating, basically the same types of mods that have been sold on vendors since level 1, except they'd be available for IR 320, 322, 324 and 326. You'd just have to have 326 gear before being able to get the 326 ones. And you'd be able to pick the mods you want.


They wouldn't be upgradable, you'd just level your items following the normal progression and buy new ones. Again = credit sink.


I'm just saying that there's an easy fix to the whole gear fiasco. You'd still have to use their system to improve your gear, but once you're at 326 (or 330), you'd be able to buy mods to get the stats your want.


Which I'm guessing they already have in mind at level 330, so I don't see why it wouldn't be available at 326 too.

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I really don't understand why you don't want us to have mods.


People are not happy that they can't use their cartel weapons - that would fix that.

People are not happy that they can't adjust their stats - that would fix that.

People have too many credits - make the mods 200k each and that would fix that.


All you have to do is put a vendor that sells mods up to our current item rating for credits. That would make half the pissed off people happy. And it would cost you NOTHING.


(Conquest would still suck but that would be something).

This is an excellent suggestion and I 100% agree. I bet they are already working to put mods back into the game for weapons & off-hands at the very least as I'm pretty sure they will never be able to fix the disaster that is/was the weapons outfitter in any useful way (based on what happened on the PTS) or without breaking 20 other things. If they add mods back for armour to even better. Lack of accuracy is absolutely s*ite right now :mad: A lot of people would happily pay 200K for green mods at level 80. They can reintroduce blue/purple/gold mods via crafting later on.


Let's hope they read this thread and just do it. It's a win-win Devs :)



Edited by Sarova
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Giving mods would also help to Solve the following:

During KOTFE you make a weapon which is "attuned" to you. You later use this same weapon to defeat Arcann.


The problem is, although this weapon is "modable" there are no 320 mods to insert in it if you wish to go back later and do the Chapter in veteran mode, not to mention master mode.


So you are cut off of this content because you can't mod a weapon.

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I really don't understand why you don't want us to have mods.


People are not happy that they can't use their cartel weapons - that would fix that.

People are not happy that they can't adjust their stats - that would fix that.

People have too many credits - make the mods 200k each and that would fix that.


All you have to do is put a vendor that sells mods up to our current item rating for credits. That would make half the pissed off people happy. And it would cost you NOTHING.


(Conquest would still suck but that would be something).


A Mod vendor will not fix all the bugs the idiots caused. Why not suggest craftable mods since clearly they screwed crafters this expansion.

Edited by starbuckone
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I would say it would be a move in the right direction to do this. They have repeatedly tried to do this same exact gearing grindfest/lock it behind certain things like Ops and PVP/ continually causing no end of grief to the player base. They once again went back to the well here, literally screwing over the player base to an unbelievable point.


Add the vendor for 320 green as a base, and let chars at 80 completing conquest have the crate to upgrade on top of it. This would also benefit alts. It gets rid of a lot of the issues and locking and forcing people into ops or pvp where you get people just not even playing it just to get the rewards for gearing. Same as ever, all they have done is cause more issues and so much for play your way here!


Then focus on the game breaking bugs and the idiotic capping on stats/bolloxing up companions, and just roll back the UI until you can upgrade it to where it isn't a bleeding eyesore.


Do I expect to see this? Not any time soon. The silence and fact they rolled this out so utterly broken and piss poorly thought out to begin with, going back to that grind is awesome well says all that needs to be on where their heads are at. Just utterly out of touch.

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Giving mods would also help to Solve the following:

During KOTFE you make a weapon which is "attuned" to you. You later use this same weapon to defeat Arcann.


The problem is, although this weapon is "modable" there are no 320 mods to insert in it if you wish to go back later and do the Chapter in veteran mode, not to mention master mode.


So you are cut off of this content because you can't mod a weapon.

Have you reported a bug accordingly?

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Totally agree.


The "weapon in outfitter" feature is most likely much more complicated than they thought due to load outs and combat styles, but adding a weapon only mods will fix the problem.


Provide basic green 320 conquest mods with the same price as the basic green 320 conquest gears.

Sell ops/pvp/fp mods like how the legendary implants are sold, with a higher buy-in and upgrade price.


No need weapon in outfitter. People who only want their pretty CM weapons can have it with basic mods. People who want their pretty CM weapons and to do HM stuffs will have to grind. People who has multiple combat style would need multiple sets of mods. It means less effort, more player grind, more player play time, more CM purchase. It's perfect in Bioware's pov.

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Totally agree.


The "weapon in outfitter" feature is most likely much more complicated than they thought due to load outs and combat styles, but adding a weapon only mods will fix the problem.


Provide basic green 320 conquest mods with the same price as the basic green 320 conquest gears.

Sell ops/pvp/fp mods like how the legendary implants are sold, with a higher buy-in and upgrade price.


No need weapon in outfitter. People who only want their pretty CM weapons can have it with basic mods. People who want their pretty CM weapons and to do HM stuffs will have to grind. People who has multiple combat style would need multiple sets of mods. It means less effort, more player grind, more player play time, more CM purchase. It's perfect in Bioware's pov.


I'd love weapons in outfitter if it was done well - not having to switch outfits when changing combat style is a must. And the crystal in the weapon needs to work too.


I'm not surprised they didn't get it to work - it's extremely complicated. But down the line it would be great to have different weapons linked to each outfit so they could match.


But until they can make it work, mods would help. It's not game-breaking to me to have to use the new level 80 weapons, but it's annoying to have to stick color neutral crystals on them so I don't end up playing my LS Jedi with a red weapon as I pass them back and forth between characters. Plus players are getting really annoyed with it, especially as there is no date for 7.1 yet, and nobody expects it until July or something.

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I'd love weapons in outfitter if it was done well - not having to switch outfits when changing combat style is a must. And the crystal in the weapon needs to work too.


I'm not surprised they didn't get it to work - it's extremely complicated. But down the line it would be great to have different weapons linked to each outfit so they could match.


But until they can make it work, mods would help. It's not game-breaking to me to have to use the new level 80 weapons, but it's annoying to have to stick color neutral crystals on them so I don't end up playing my LS Jedi with a red weapon as I pass them back and forth between characters. Plus players are getting really annoyed with it, especially as there is no date for 7.1 yet, and nobody expects it until July or something.


Yep, I'm not sure they've thought through the complexities of the weapon outfitter as you describe. They really should re-think the whole thing and add a weapons/off hand mod vendor. I know some companies do not want to admit they got something wrong under any circumstances, however us customers would instantly forgive BW if they did in relation to the weapons outfitter.

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I'd love weapons in outfitter if it was done well - not having to switch outfits when changing combat style is a must. And the crystal in the weapon needs to work too.


I'm not surprised they didn't get it to work - it's extremely complicated. But down the line it would be great to have different weapons linked to each outfit so they could match.


But until they can make it work, mods would help. It's not game-breaking to me to have to use the new level 80 weapons, but it's annoying to have to stick color neutral crystals on them so I don't end up playing my LS Jedi with a red weapon as I pass them back and forth between characters. Plus players are getting really annoyed with it, especially as there is no date for 7.1 yet, and nobody expects it until July or something.


I'd love weapons in outfitter too but if that's (understandably) too complicate, I'd rather Bioware to just admit it and provide an alternative that will be accepted by most players.

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That would make half the pissed off people happy. And it would cost you NOTHING.


This is where your post falls apart.


It would remove SOME of the anger, on A topic. Not even close to all of it. Heck, it would create more anger as then people would be complaining that they have to pay a high price to have what they already had before this train-wreck was released which already gave us a royal eff ton of taking away more than giving.

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Yes a vender would be a temorary solution. But they seriously need to fix crafting in this department. What is availalable for Crafting is so terrible at the moment it's a joke. Not to mention the insane amounts of rare mats to craft just basic green and blue to reverse engineer is a nightmare. This is what crew skills are for. To collect all the mats we need to craft to max level rating. (Not at OPs level rating of course)

Changing this system back to the way it used to be would be so much better. Crafters could sell mods at a more reasonable price instead of millions or a billion for one stupid mod on the gtn. Bioware isn't helping the gtn inflation right now making items too rare.

Edited by Darthmoriquendi
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This is where your post falls apart.


It would remove SOME of the anger, on A topic. Not even close to all of it. Heck, it would create more anger as then people would be complaining that they have to pay a high price to have what they already had before this train-wreck was released which already gave us a royal eff ton of taking away more than giving.


Believe me... It's not even close to my main concern with 7.0. Actually something I don't care about that much.


But a lot of people are outraged about it and it would be an EASY fix for them.

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