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Good bye SWTOR - 10 year subscriber no more


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I have played since BETA. I am now almost 32 years old. This expansion is the final nail in the coffin.


I have spent thousands of hours in this game and I am not joking. A disgusting amount of hours that most would consider an addiction. Not only the hours I've spent but the money I have spent is literally in the thousands.


Am I a whale? I dont consider myself a whale. I am sure there are rich people who will spend thousands on cartel crates and subscriptions and everything available so even if I thought I was near the top there is 100% someone who is spending far far more than I ever have.


Its really sad to see this game has deteriorated since 3.0 onwards even after financially supporting this game. With all the feedback and none of it being listened to its really heart breaking and insulting to your most loyal customers and die hard fans who have been around since BETA.


This expansion is a complete and utter disaster, as was 5.0 and 6.0 content.


The UI is not finished.

The UI is far worse than the original.

The USER EXPERIENCE is terrible. Far too many clicks to get to where you need to be. The title selector is weird and makes no sense. The stats on the character sheet being HIDDEN is actually insane. Why are you hiding stats inside a tiny modal popup window which you THEN NEED TO SCROLL THROUGH to see all the stats??? WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED???


10 years I have been here with you. Today I finally leave this game and all my characters behind. The game is not fun anymore and It's clear that you are not who you were 5 - 10 years ago as a Team who produce and build content for this game. Not even close to the same talented individuals from 1.0 to 3.0 days. This engine has absolutely been one of the biggest issues and you might want to keep on denying it but how much longer can you continue to try and produce content on this 2008 engine?? Tell me exactly what Game Devs would be hired to work on this when there are better Engines that allow individuals to build transferrable skills for their career. This one isnt one of them is it.


The EA profits are through the damn roof. You are milking so much damn money from the Cartel Market. Please for the love of god will you actually do something good or just stop doing anything at all. Touching it is far worse than just leaving it alone. Or quit it all together. End it and just go back to Mass Effect. Make a damn Mass Effect MMORPG. Something using a decent Engine that all Game Developers would enjoy to work on.


Asypre can take over from you guys with KOTOR and the Star wars IP. The Same with other EA Game Studios who have proven to make absolutely amazing Star Wars Games, thankfully because they have transferrable skills and working with an Engine that has mass game development adoption in the industry.


SWTOR is not even close to a AAA game anymore. The new 7.0 expansion really puts it under some kind of low tier game studio with no Corporate funding or support. I mean it's just bad.


I cant believe Keith and other Senior Leaders for SWTOR actually signed off on deploying this release to production.


The pixelated new class icons.

A half finished UI

Cut content that people finished in 45minutes after logging in.

The same desync PTSD invoking Hero Engine.

A UI middleware that seems to be the root cause of most of the FPS issues.

A 32bit game engine with dx9.


Why is every other Star Wars game having more content than you can make in a patch except you are making subscribers pay £10/month and have funding from Cartel Market and you produce this for an expansion?


You guys are like gangsters and you'll not be getting my money any longer.


I would rather spend all my money on a Pay to Win Mobile Game. At least they are producing higher quality mechanics, content, combat and using an engine that can actually deliver real game play and content.


The 15,000 average players shown via Steam statistics is more than enough evidence to just stop already. ESO is always triple your population and its ESO. How is ESO doing better than a Star Wars IP.


You exploited the Star Wars IP far too long. You continue to ignore all player feedback from PTS. You release 7.0 with these low resolution class icons. These are EASY things to fix prior to a launch. At this point I think you just take all subscribers as a complete joke and are really honestly milking money with no moral or empathy for people who are spending money in your game.


Keith, as a Subscriber for 10 years I can no longer support you as the Game Director and with that said....


I have cancelled my subscription after 10 years.

I will no longer be playing or supporting SWTOR financially or using the cartel market.

I am uninstalling this game and I will be moving on and NOT returning. EVER.


To everyone else, I highly recommend the FREE TO PLAY Option. The best content in this game was the same content they launched with at 1.0 and that is the Class Origin Stories. The rest of it is downhill from there onwards, with the exception of Shadow of Revan.




The Sneaky Man

Edited by SnEaKyMan
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I too have put thousands of hours into this and logged in EVERY night, sometimes, mornings, to play.

I would unsubscribe and become unpreferred over this, but i dont want to lose gm status of my guild I have had for 5 and a half years. what they have done here is destroy. the ui is terrible, the changes to conquest and nerfing heroics is disgusting, the ability pruning was totally not needed, and the removal of other things, along with the HORRID character sheet makes me not even want to play. on top of that, it broke my game to the point i can see all the models through everything. it's unplayable. ive given understanding in the past...this is just too much


obviously you love this game and put your heart and soul into it. Sadly there are devs on here probably looking at the feedback and other people will be going "aight see ya later" like you didnt even matter to them. they are pretty condescending tbh, only answering in threads praising them, and going on this thing about "ty for your support!" while not really caring about other threads. it's disturbing....


your post will fall on deaf ears. see ya later man. :(

Edited by Sarfux
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I too have put thousands of hours into this and logged in EVERY night, sometimes, mornings, to play.

I would unsubscribe and become unpreferred over this, but i dont want to lose gm status of my guild I have had for 5 and a half years. obviously you love this game and put your heart and soul into it. Sadly there are devs on here probably looking at the feedback and other people will be going "aight see ya later" like you didnt even matter to them. they are pretty condescending tbh, only answering in threads praising them, and going on this thing about "ty for your support!" while not really caring about other threads. it's disturbing....


your post will fall on deaf ears. see ya later man. :(


I exported my EA Data after GDPR regulations. I calculated my SWTOR spending and with all the money I have given it really is in the £1000's. I have supported this game since Launch and I dont mean to be negative to forcefully derail this game / project in Bioware, but at this point I just can't support anything they do anymore. They are taking everyone for a complete ride and its wrong. It's so damn wrong. The love I had for this game. I met so many amazing people and I will continue to be friends with everyone I have met in the game. I still talk to many of them to this day but they are not playing SWTOR anymore. They quit years ago and found new better games. Games with communities that get listened to. Today I can finally join those friends. My emotional and addictive attachment to this game is finally gone.


I regret spending the money, nobody in that team deserves it. I don't regret playing though. I had some fun years and met some great people.


I hope you can find strength in yourself to let go of the guild. It's almost a similar situation to me. A strong emotional attachment to something you've held for many many years and it's very hard to break that chain. But believe me when I say this. Nobody in Bioware cares for you and your guild or what you have built. EA demands profits with no money being invested back into the game. Maybe because they realise the Engine is not something that can be invested in and is not something that can easily be improved.


Continue to enjoy the game if you can, but please do not give these criminals any more money.

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So basically, after all the people who say they are going to quit, leave, there'll only be 14,980 people on-line, instead of 15,000? The end is neigh! 🙄


For your case, I hope your sarcasm proves correct.


As for myself, I'll be honest: I'm on the fence. I'm not leaving yet, but I'm also not super-excited for what they've given us so far.


I completed the new content for this 'expansion' inside about 1-2 hours, including the new FP. Compare that to FFXIV, where it took me a week just to get through the story, to ESO, where it took a couple days, hell..to WoW, which had more to say about their characters.


After completing that new content there's....the same old content, but with more of a grind.


I'm disappointed in what this game has become.

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I feel your pain bro (OP) and I agree that this game since 3.0 went down the hill and it's still rolling towards the abyss.


It's sad to watch it, the only SW MMO being treated like this, but they've been doing it for years, for them this is just another cash making machine and they'll keep milking it.


I took a break for a year, been playing since 2014, hoping that at least some minor stuff will be fixed (like missing titles), guess what, didn't happen.


Now we have this unfinished abomination that's called 7.0.

I still like the game, but I will not stay and pay, hoping that things will get better, there are other games to play, without paying a monthly sub.

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I feel your pain bro (OP) and I agree that this game since 3.0 went down the hill and it's still rolling towards the abyss.


It's sad to watch it, the only SW MMO being treated like this, but they've been doing it for years, for them this is just another cash making machine and they'll keep milking it.


I took a break for a year, been playing since 2014, hoping that at least some minor stuff will be fixed (like missing titles), guess what, didn't happen.


Now we have this unfinished abomination that's called 7.0.

I still like the game, but I will not stay and pay, hoping that things will get better, there are other games to play, without paying a monthly sub.


Really looking forward to the KOTOR Remake by Aspyre, The new FPS and Sequel to Fallen Order by Respawn Entertainment and the Open World game by Ubisoft. All going to be in brand new bleeding edge Unreal and Anvil/Snowdrop Engines.

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