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Gfx issues since patch


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Not sure if it’s just me but since the patch I have really weird gfx issues which causes the game to suddenly freeze/crash.


The only way I can describe is it’s like the loading textures in Medium settings but then it cycles between Med and Low, so textures are constantly sharpening and unsharpening - hope that makes sense?


My drivers etc are all up to date and it was working fine - and had for years - up until the patch. I’ve tried turning things off, running on lowest settings but the same happens.


Thanks for any help / advice in advance.



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The only way I can describe is it’s like the loading textures in Medium settings but then it cycles between Med and Low, so textures are constantly sharpening and unsharpening - hope that makes sense?

That is actually designed behavior, depending on view distance (as in camera location vs. object) to either use higher or lower res textures, models, etc. You could / can easily see it when zooming the camera with your own toon. This existed before 7.0 already, but I have the feeling that they messed with this a bit in more subtle ways.


From a developer's point of view your information is ... vague ... and aside of saying "yeah, ok, bad" there is not much which can be done about it until more contextual information is available. That means things like your computers setup (GPU, driver version, maybe any more specifics if needed), and if you know a way to more or less reliably trigger it (what do you do to get there) are really helpful to potentially understanding the root of the problem and eventually fixing it one way or another.


Also consider that other software in the system might trigger problems, especially AV software is known to cause havoc randomly. Maybe something to look into / experiment with, to exclude these possibilites.

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That is actually designed behavior, depending on view distance (as in camera location vs. object) to either use higher or lower res textures, models, etc. You could / can easily see it when zooming the camera with your own toon. This existed before 7.0 already, but I have the feeling that they messed with this a bit in more subtle ways.


From a developer's point of view your information is ... vague ... and aside of saying "yeah, ok, bad" there is not much which can be done about it until more contextual information is available. That means things like your computers setup (GPU, driver version, maybe any more specifics if needed), and if you know a way to more or less reliably trigger it (what do you do to get there) are really helpful to potentially understanding the root of the problem and eventually fixing it one way or another.


Also consider that other software in the system might trigger problems, especially AV software is known to cause havoc randomly. Maybe something to look into / experiment with, to exclude these possibilites.


Thanks for your reply. I'm aware that textures are designed to do this under certain conditions and/or whilst performing certain actions. In my case I'm not doing anything, my toon is simply standing still and it's happening constantly which isnt normal regardless of the gfx quality setting I use. The client also crashed when switching combat styles for instance, the animation of all the spells being put on the bars also causes crashing issues. So I'm not sure if it''s perhaps something to do with the new menus.


Whilst important, my PC spec/drivers (gtx1070, i5 7600k) shouldn't be the issue given that everything worked fine up until the patch.

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I'm aware that textures are designed to do this under certain conditions and/or whilst performing certain actions. In my case I'm not doing anything, my toon is simply standing still and it's happening constantly which isnt normal regardless of the gfx quality setting I use.

Yeah, that should be static and only switch if there is any movement / distance change between object and camera. Feels like it cannot decide on what quality setting to use and constantly switches (watching your video). I did a short test on the sith ship myself and was not able to trigger anything like that. Ok, I haven't changed the quality settings, maybe should do that.


Whilst important, my PC spec/drivers (gtx1070, i5 7600k) shouldn't be the issue given that everything worked fine up until the patch.

Yes. It is more about being able to potentially reproduce the problem or see if it matches any known driver bug. GPU drivers, while the quality over time increased, are seriously complex things plus by now overloaded with all kinds of special case handling to optimize things. That means chances are good to stumble into all kinds of weird issues from that side. Game engines carry extra code to work around GPU related issues, which is a sad but uinfortunately necessary thing.


I played this for a while on a GTX780 in high/custom settings until the card yielded to it, so from that point of view it should be perfectly fine to run SWTOR without a hitch (and, as you've noted, did until 7.0 hit).

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Have you plugged the monitor into the motherboard instead of the nvidia card ? or is the game now using the intel card


reason i ask is what you are describing usually occurs with intel video cards , the workaround for them is https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion-Technical/Guide-Texture-Flickering-High-to-Low/m-p/4867480/highlight/true#M70796


however your system should not be having this issue


Swtor Tech Support Forum is at https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion-Technical/bd-p/star-wars-the-old-republic-en

Edited by OwenBrooks
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