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7.0 PTS rewards and time to do it


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I have some questions about receiving titles and rewards for completing 7.0 pts quests.

First do we have time to fulfillment them all until 7.0 patch gonna be on? Is it doable only when public test server is active? How is it with expansion to be done

(Eric wrote “Revenge of the Archon” or “Taking on Toborro”

“Facing the Shadow” or “Confronting the Shadow”

“Complete Chapter XVI of KOTFE”

“Complete Chapter IX of Eternal Throne”

“The Race to Refuel” or “The Failsafe”), but what about Ilum with Malgus, Return of Emperor(Ziost), Iokath, Order of Zildrog, Malgus dissapereance and the searching - are they need to be done too?

As for heroics weekly - are they all need to be done one time?

Thanks for response

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If you just started to do the achievements for the PTS rewards, you are probably too late unless you pull an all-nighter. The PTS will come down any day now.


As for the stories, you only have to complete the ones listed in the dev post, which are the final missions for each expansion. You don't need to do any of the story updates in between.


I think completing one of the Heroic weeklies is fine, otherwise they would have specified that you have to do all of them in a week. Same with the Flashpoint and Warzone weeklies, which is enough to finish one time in veteran and unranked mode respectively.


Don't forget that you also need to reach item Rating of 322 for the full reward, which requires you to upgrade your gear several times. So if you go the Conquest route to upgrade your gear, you need to grind those Heroic weeklies anyway.


Hi everyone,


Answering a few questions regarding the rewards and titles.


  • Log in once into PTS to obtain that reward
  • Only one character is needed to obtain the Acts achievement. You do not have to play both factions.
  • Using character copy of characters that have not completed Act 1 yet is fine.
  • Using the Master Datacron would also work
  • Completing the final missions of the expansion story content is what will earn you the expansions achievements as listed.
  • Regarding the weeklies, completing any of each of the PvP, Heroic, and Flashpoint Weekly Missions will suffice. You don't have to worry about ranked vs unranked, mode, or playing with both factions.
  • The PTS server will remain up until early January


Please remember that with the fundamental changes coming with Legacy of the Sith, a large focus of ours is the player experience with scaling and gearing from beginning to end and with various parts of the game.


We understand that this is a tall order but we are also balancing the effort and respect of those who originally obtained these titles in the past.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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