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Bugs! Bugs! Bugs!


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Been a while since I wrote in this forum or even checked it out but where in the hell is the Bugs report forum. I remember there being one. Did we just give up? Here's my day in playing this game. I log in and que into a warzone and have to press an ability 4 times before it actually goes off but the gcd always goes off each time I pressed it. Well this happened six or seven times before I just alt F4 out of the game out of disgust. This has been the case for the last few weeks since I started playing again. This being only one of the issues I face and a pretty big one also. So whoever is charge I know we want to get content going and make some pretty little dress or whatever it is the cartel market does but how about you know fixing these issues so a return player like me don't have to quit in disgust.
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