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Rolling need on boss loot for companions


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No, you may not roll need on that boss loot for your companion.




Because we all have (or will have) companions that can use that loot.


Because we know that's code for 'I'm selling this as soon as I get away from these people.'


Because we already rolled greed on the item before you decided to ask and we have a companion that can use it too.


Because no one but you cares that you never use that one companion you got early on so he has crappy gear.



If they added another button for a companion roll, that would be alright. Except everyone would click that one, because everyone has 5 companions, so most likely they will want it too. And people will just say its for their companion when really they will sell it at the next medical droid. So, we wouldn't need another greed roll.


It's bad enough that we will assume when you need on something for offset, that you actually are building an offset and not just selling it like we all know you do. But we will not add an extra companion element to our false hopes of not being taken for granted.


So, in case you missed it: No, you may not roll need on that boss loot for your companion.

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