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Fighting Styles


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Well they said they would let us choose any fighting styles that would be db that we can't use said saber because of said class meanwhile tech classes get to use everything tech wise .

So are you saying my bounty hunter can't use a sniper n heal ?

Not exactly.


Let's say your bounty hunter is a mercenary so that will be their 1st combat style, if you want him to also use a sniper rifle you will choose sniper as the 2nd combat style.


Then you will activate the second combat style and your character will have the abilities of a sniper and lose their mercenary abilities, but story wise you are still technically a bounty hunter so you can say you are a bounty hunter who just uses the sniper toolkit.

If you want to heal then you ll have to activate your 1st combat style which is mercenary and change to the healing spec just like you can now.

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I for one don't give three ***** if it is "new content" (in your sole opinion I should note)


It is content that I want to play. I suspect i will enjoy playing it very much with the new CS system


That you have the arrogance to claim that your subjective opinions are somehow superior to someone else's is shameful. Stop.


It is a great addition for many of us and we are excited for it, it adds a lot to swtor for us.


The OP didn't ask if you liked the new combat system or not. The OP asked if this added anything new to the game for Vet players.


Over the past 10 years, SWTOR has encouraged, and in many ways required you make alts.


Allowing you to switch to a different advanced class, which vet players probably already have, and which is extremely easy to level in the first place, adds absolutely nothing to the game aside from what only amounts to "class cosmetics".


All this effort should of been put into something more concrete.

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It will be way easier to form a group. I can only q as dps with my sniper toon now, but after 7.0 I can switch to operative heal if that's the last role we need but can't find, which happens a lot when you only do pug groups during off peak hours.


Story-wise, I'm happy with my story/combat style but it's great to see people happy about finally able to play both the story and the combat style they like at the same time.


It's the one thing that I'm 100% ok with regarding 7.0 changes.


Thanks for an actual response, rather than an emotional discharge. It's quite refreshing.


It sounds good on paper, but already players who are using a dps spec, on a class with a healing spec, can do this. Often times they are very bad at it. So not only does combat styles double this, but as a secondary class that may or may not get played very much, there's going to be a huge skill discrepancy. Maybe they're okay to do it, maybe they're not. Often times, they just flat out refuse. (Which is good if they're bad at it.)


For the vet players that were good at it, they probably already had a max level character of that class in the first place. Using your personal example, do you have a max level operative or not? If you do, you've gained nothing by choosing operative as a secondary class on your sniper. If you don't, how well are you going to be able to heal, on a class and spec you probably have vastly less experience on compared to your sniper?


I'm seeing only a very slight benefit in very specific circumstances, and a huge amount of potential pitfalls and community toxicity, especially for new players which combat styles seems to target.

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The OP didn't ask if you liked the new combat system or not. The OP asked if this added anything new to the game for Vet players.

And that falsely implies that vet players are raidloggers who only care about endgame instead of people who still make new characters to this day even after getting through the story a few times.


I must have done balmora like 30-40 times since launch.

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And that falsely implies that vet players are raidloggers who only care about endgame instead of people who still make new characters to this day even after getting through the story a few times.


I must have done balmora like 30-40 times since launch.


If playing through Balmora for the 41st time, on a class you already played before is entertainment for you, then that's great. Enjoy your time how you want to.


But don't try and sell us this as something new.


You're approaching the forums in the same way in the same way you're approaching Balmora. Posting in threat after thread, saying over and over that you like things, not actually looking at the topic at hand or adding anything of value.

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