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Feedback/Concerns over 7.0 gearing/economy changes


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As a person who loved swtor and have been playing on and off since launch, even when I wasnt playing due to being busy or because playing from Aus can be quite a pain due to higher ms I always felt it was one of the best mmorpgs on the market and I am concerned many 7.0 changes could hurt it long term and that would honestly be tragic considering it would be coming on the 10 year anniversary.




6.0 Gearing has been absolutely great with few disadvantages, the fact that we are able to do all forms of content and be rewarded for our time with upgrade currency and a ton of gear felt great, it felt I never am wasting time because there is always a reward for that final goal which is achieving MAXIMUM POWER.


I even loved amplifiers, since 306 gear wasnt hard to get, the last part of achieving that MAXIMUM POWER feeling was locked behind the grind of finding those perfect mods/enhancements and grinding amplifiers, that was the long term grind that would take a while (Unless you were rich), I like that there was something that took a while to grind since it is an mmorpg after all so you shouldnt be achieving MAXIMUM POWER after just a few weeks, but it was also balanced because that last % of power was small and not game breaking if you just started the grind so you were able to do all forms of content with 0 problems. I feel that the gear grind could be a little longer, it definitely felt quite fast so I am not opposed to making the grind take longer as long as its not gated behind specific activities. And keep in mind many of us enjoy both pvp and pve and a system that would lock upgrades to specific content would be quite annoying.


Not only that but due to swtor's design, you have created a very fun and casual playerbase who focuses on enjoying the game rather than obsess over meta and theoretical performance unlike WoW's community, that means it was a huge bonus to be able to gear through group finder and casual activities and never feel like something was gated away from you because it was only given to raiders, mmorpgs have evolved, raiding is not and should not be the central thing of an mmorpg, there's so much more fun content people can casually do on an evening than have to deal with other people, organizing and planning raid times.


In WoW shadowlands, they listened to raiders and gutted all forms of casual rewards, while raiders can get 259 gear, solo and casual players got a pathetic 233 after a very long grind while anyone who does group content never wastes their time with, that pretty much means casuals are seen as inferior and 2nd class citizens that arent allowed to enjoy power progression, because no matter how the devs might try to spin it, its clear that casuals get inferior ilvl and are stuck there and that increases the elitism and class divide in the community by a lot, while if everyone has access to max ilvl, there is far less elitists vs casuals divide because the devs have a fair and equal system that doesnt favor one over the other while systems that gatekeeps best gear behind elite high end activities are seen as a sign by the devs that they value elitists more even though casuals are often the majority that support the game.


And for us who do most of the content, from casual mythic raids to m20+ keys that is still a problem, because there is nothing we can do to just relax on an evening because no solo or casual activity lets us progress to that goal of MAXIMUM POWER, you are quite literally at the mercy of "are there competent enough people around right now to do the content to achieve maximum power or should i just log out?", you pretty much kill the game for a majority of people who just want to enjoy it because there are not rewards to justify time spend in an activity, this isnt a single player game, you can never produce content fast enough to satisfy the mmorpg crowd so you depend on repeatable content that can be fun and rewarding, because no matter how fun some content is, after the 2nd time it starts getting stale, but if there's a good reward you are at least excited for it.


And another major issue that I dont believe many understand, especially more elitist raiders who believe people dont raid because they lack skill, the fact is most people dont raid because they dont want to have to deal with organized raiding, schedules because this is a video game, not work. It doesnt help that more high end guilds are often filled with more performance meta obsessed elitists who are not fun to be around and fail to understand there is a big gap between viable and optimal and how encounters also have a big gap between what is required to beat it and that ultra optimized meta perfect play comb with no mistakes, they start believing you cant clear without the most meta combs and specs and that shows their lack of understanding since they focus more on reading guides instead of understanding how the game works. In other words, the social barriers are often the reason people dont raid, not skill, people who like to believe it is skill often do it to inflate their own self worth.


TL:DR Please allow MAXIMUM POWER to be obtained through multiple ways and never gatekeep it behind one activity that is often behind social barriers.





A bit concerned over the choice to make everyone poorer, it almost feel like somekind of advice from actual economists which for anyone who has seen the economic state of the world should be clear they might not be the best people to listen.


The theory is sound but reality doesnt usually follow simple economic theory, by making everyone poorer aka the majority of players who barely have enough credits you forget the people that have over the years farmed billions and will keep that for years to come, these players will have tremendous power and control over the new system because if mats or equipment in GTN are cheap enough to make for people to buy, it means they can literally buy the entire market for what is change to them and then try resell it for a far higher price that only other wealthy people or heavy grinders can buy.



I would say the best solution might have been to create a new currency or increase the cost of everything by a lot as well as the credit rewards in 7.0 so the wealth of those people does not utterly destroy the new economy, because what you would want to do is in a sense reset the play field, you obviously cannot take away people's credit but you can change the value it has, if everything costs a billion credits and you can easily grind that from quests, the people with a lot of wealth will only have a tiny advantage in the new economy.





As usual I love the story but I would like to see some more consistency in villains and enemies, repeatedly inventing new big bads is not a good idea and I would highly suggest thinking of a similar design to FF14's story where the main plot goes through many expansions and the main enemy is never truly vanquished but remains on the background as an ever present threat



-Oceanic servers plz?


More of a silly thing but I would honestly prefer to have a small oceanic server, with WoW and now FF14 offering oceanic servers it might be worth just keeping 1 server going even if small, the feeling of playing with 50ms is always great compared to playing with 300ms

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