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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So if Operatives never/rarely use cover, can you hide the green men?


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Don't think you can hide it. And you SHOULD use cover when it makes sense.


Suppose you get knocked off the bridge, and a ball carrier is passing on the shelf above. You can just pew pew your autoshot at him, shoot a dart at him or throw a grenade. Or you can roll into cover and do a Snipe->Explosive Probe combo that will take a very nice chunk of his health instantly and hopefully panic the healers.

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it is possible to rol up on the lower plaftorm from upper ground in hutta using cover. Obviously need a correctly positioned target... but you can!

Was such a lol when i was knocked back and then roll back up XD



and surely cover is usable , maybe not in pve .. unless you took agroo from unwanted ranged mobs then its better to cover then jsut stand while waiting for aggro grab.

Edited by Crawler
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