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My biggest gripe with Shadow / Assassin....


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I absolutely hate the fact that there is zero valuable use of Saber Strike.


Saber Strike is the standard attack that has the best and most fluid animation-set that responds to the enemy's state. In fact, it is properly the best looking attack we have as a class.


But that is what I hate about it. I want to use the ability , I want to use it actively in a fight. But there is zero good reason to do so.


I'll love to see Saber Strike buffed or otherwise made viable for consistent use as a spammable. Be it as a default change or included in a passive selection in the new talent trees. Maybe increase its damage via "Lambaste" passive in addition to the Lacerate buff, or give it some sort of proc / debuff effect to make it a viable choice of a GCD.


I want to use this ability so badly, simply because it feels, looks and sound absolutely amazing. But the game in the current state gives us absolutely zero reason to ever use the ability in high-level play. Most people from my experience don't even have it on their bars anymore, and that is a shame considering just how amazing the ability looks and feels.


Please just give us a proper reason to use ability, since as it stands, its a downright loss every time we press it.

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For Deception and Infiltration, saber strike is rarely used if at all in the rotation that is true. Darkness uses it a decent amount but only if you start to run out of force.


For Hatred and Serenity on the other hand, saber strike is actually fairly important to the rotation because of how much force it regenerates (each saber strike hit regens 1 force, proccing lightning charge or force technique also regens force). If you don't use saber strike in your rotation for these two specs, your rotation becomes energy negative. What's more, if you really like using it I have a bonus tip for you:


Two time trouble is the best in slot tactical for hatred and serenity (for single target damage) and causes all your melee attacks to have a 50% chance to proc creeping terror or sever force for extra damage. Saber strike hits three times compared to double strike/ thrash which hit twice. This means that there isn't that much of a difference between using saber strike and double strike due to the extra damage proc chance (though double strike has a higher damage ceiling with crits) and you'll never run out of force. (Saber strike = 3 white damage hits, 3 x 50% chances to proc lightning/force technique for energy damage, 3 x 50% chances to proc two time trouble for internal damage)


Saber strike will never be a proper damaging ability because that's not its purpose. The purpose of saber strike is to be a 0 force cost filler and regeneration tool that still does some damage if you mess up your rotation. (It is still fun using saber strike to last hit things because of the kill animations :D) If you haven't been using serenity or hatred, I do recommend trying it.

Edited by LordCamTheGreat
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That is honestly a super good reply, so thank you for it. I will freely admit that I've always primarily been Deception, and only ever tried Darkness and Hatred briefly. But my focus has always been on Damage Dealing rather than Tanking, plus I've never been much for DOT classes, so I've always stuck my guns to Deception/Infiltration in this regard.


I'll give it a go, although I still do hate the fact that Deception doesn't even have a need and/or use of it, since it is my favorite spec. I just sorta wish it could almost take Voltaic's Slash's place in the rotation. But I'm also biased on that front since I absolutely abhor that ability's animation.


But that alas, thank you for an amazing reply!

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