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Armstech advice appreciated


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I've now maxed out 2 of my gathering skills and looking at starting a craft.

I was considering Armstech as I am a Mercenary - before I invest considerable time and effort how do the end game guns / mods hold up to what can be vendor purchased?


I have read some things that sound rather depressing but would appreciate the opinion of someone who is near end game armstech crafting.

Edited by CapC
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It is very easy to simply buy a weapon off the vendors.


I'm in Voss now and just got an updated lvl 48 weapon with all lvl 48 blue mods for just 14 commendations.


My class quest also provided me with several top end weapons.


If u do daily quests at lvl 50, u can simply buy the purple barrels/mods off the vendors too.


It's really not worth leveling up ArmsTech.

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