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Looking for Group / Bulletin Board / Calendar


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I would love to see the current group finder we have in SWTOR replaced with a full featured social system that allows for LFG, Bulletin Board, and a Calendar.


LFG - even old games like DDO have a full featured LFG panel that allows players to advertise for groups covering not only every quest and raid, but also open content. Wouldn't you like to be able to LFG for Hammer Station grinding without having flower sniffers? Wouldn't you like to advertise for The Shroud Revealed? Wouldn't you like to be able to advertise for FP/Uprising Achievement runs? I would, and a proper LFG panel would be infinitely better than trying to advertise on /1 and /allies and get past all the trolling.


Bulletin Board - although this could be rolled into LFG, the idea of being able to advertise future player-made events, RP events, OWPVP murderballs, Guild adverts, etc, has merit.


Calendar - It would be pretty sweet to have an in-game calendar that shows when all the events are happening, what the Conquest Schedule is, etc. Also, this could allow for guilds to plan events in-game and not have to rely on 3rd party systems like Enjin/Discord to track attendance.

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