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Sith Maurader ability questions


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Good morning. Thinking of rolling a Sith Maurader, because at times, Jedi Consular story line is a bit boring.


I cannot seem to find a list of abilities for any class/spec in the game... What abilities do Sith Mauraders receive? I saw a vid that they receive Force Choke... is that simple a CC ability, or is there a damage component to it as well? Do Sith Mauraders have a force push, much like the consular sage does?


If anyone could provide a small list of abilities, description, and approximate level when you receive them, that would be great! I cant seem to find this information anywhere :(

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Force choke is a channeled stun that ticks damage over the duration and builds rage. Marauders do not get a force push. Their abilities mirror that of the Jedi Sentinel, just as all 8 classes are mirrored for each faction. The class equivalents have different names and visuals for their skills and abilities, but the same exact mechanics.


As Keduno linked above, torhead.com is an excellent source of information.

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