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Stronghold Overhaul and Increased Companion Interaction


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Hey guys, while I love the idea of owning strongholds as player bases, I feel that strongholds are a bit disappointing in what they offer players. In my opinion, there are two main reasons for this: The appearance of somewhat dated building mechanics in the "hooks" system and the lack of uniqueness in strongholds that can increase player interaction between other players and even their companions. As such, I would like to offer the following improvements and I would love for the community to respond to this as well and try to offer their own improvements.


Now I can't get the formatting to work properly on this forum, so I will organize my ideas by small paragraphs instead of using bold/italics/underline


The first idea to abandon the hook system and to replace it with free building mechanics for decorations. I think a lot of people in the community have realized that some hooks in strongholds are better than others - IE, some hooks are really lazily implemented in some strongholds, such as Rishi. Hooks are a super limited mechanic that do not offer decorating bases to the fullest potential, since all decoration placements are already pre-determined. In this, I believe that we should abandon hooks and allow players to place decorations wherever they please, as long as the decorations do not overlap with one another and the interiors of the buildings (walls, roof, etc). Ofcourse, some decorations would need to be limited to outdoors only or in hanger areas, such as shuttles, bigger vehicles, campsites with tents, etc.


The second idea is to implement new mechanics and decorations within strongholds that increase interaction with companions and players, as outlined below.


My first way in increasing interaction is the addition of PVP/PVE arenas, optional rooms that are not the main starting room that players may purchase if they desire. Some players expressed disappointment on Rishi, as the PVP arena was the first unlocked area in the stronghold. Since the PVP arena is seldom used, it seemed like a big empty space that many players did not want to build into. To rectify this issue, I am proposing that the PVP and PVE arenas be locked behind expansion areas that you must pay credits/cartel coins to unlock, as is the case with most expansion rooms. these arenas can vary in shapes and sizes. In these arenas, there should be a number of options allowed: The ability to fight players, if allowed by the stronghold owner. The ability to duel your companions, increasing or decreasing opinion with companions depending on their personality traits. The ability to fight PVE enemies, new decorations that you may purchase from the cartel, GTC, vendors, etc. For instance, buying war droids, sith/republic troopers, wookies, etc all for the purposes of putting in your arena to fight with. While some people may not use this at all, I do believe this addition is one method of increasing the popularity with strongholds. You may also earn XP/renown while fighting in the arena, but at decreased rates.


The second is the introduction of small minigames, such as Pazaak. After the introduction of a new decoration called the Pazaak Table, you would be able to play games with other players and your companions. Against players, you would have the option to play freely or to create wagers for each game. Wagering would not be allowed against companions, however. Companions could have varying skill levels in pazaak, depending on their level and their personality traits. Pazaak tables would come with their own decks of cards, shuffled randomly to each player. Defeating and losing to companions may also change their opinion of you, depending on their personality traits as well. We can also create new gambling/video-like minigames, similar to the slot (coin?) machine that is currently already available as a decoration in strongholds.


The third is the addition of companions and NPCs (that you can purchase) to strongholds that can engage in meaningful discussion and provide daily random missions depending on their personality, affiliation, type, etc. I think this would break the staleness of some of your companions after you finish their missions. For instance, you would now be provided the opportunity to perform missions with them and have discussions with them, instead of just having them as an idle decoration that does not talk or move. They would provide random daily (or weekly) missions that you can perform depending on their traits. If you have a companion that is a pirate, he may send you on a mission to steal some goods like spice or to attack a freighter in space. If you have a companion that is a jedi, they may send you on a mission to rescue a hostage or retrieve a force-artifact. If you have a companion that is a bounty hunter, they may send you on a mission to kill a target on Nar Shaddaa.


A little miscellaneous idea as well - make strongholds more vibrant with sounds. Your cantina singer? He should actually be able to sing. Your cantina performer that has an instrument? he should be able to use his instrument and you should be able to hear it. Your soldiers that you purchased as decorations? they should have a couple lines of dialogue like they do in the world, and create ambient noise and have a bit more life to them. When you place down people as decorations, they should act and feel like people.


These are my current ideas. What do you guys think? Do you like them? Do you hate them?


And just before anyone gets upset over the addition of a PVP/PVE arena, I would like to stress that I foresee it as an optional addition. I do think it would make strongholds more unique and make players more inclined to use them.

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