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Ops Server Desynch Issues Need to be addressed


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The desynch issues with the servers, especially in Ops, has become extra annoying over time. Sometimes it's just a minor issue, others it makes it near impossible to complete an encounter.


Some examples off the top of my head that my Ops team have encountered in the past 6 months.



Underlurker - The Stones, the Stone safe Spots, and the Cross mechanics are all shown on the wrong places on the players screen

Revan - First Impel won't break the pillar and instead places an unbreakable stun on the tank for a long period of time


VM Colossal Monolith - Invisible Dropped circles


VM Ravagers:

Master and Blaster - Mines (Purple Circles) exploding like you crossed another player even when they are a safe distance away


MM Dread Fortress:

Grob'thok - Magnet will grab him and a second Pipe-smash will fire off anyhow, even after he has been in it for 2-3 seconds.

Corrupptor Zero - Different Ops members seeing him in different locations in the room while trying to stack on him.

Brontes - Fingers in first phase not always visible to all ops members. Reach of Brontes will kill players that appear no where near them.


My team has overcome all these issues, but that isn't the point, the servers and fights should work correctly, and it is incredibly frustrating when the server desync makes encounters act against their own mechanics. This needs to be fixed.

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