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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Give Bounty Hunters rifles.


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Okay Devs,


This is not rocket science. You don't have to be Wernher Von Braun to figure out that restricting Bounty Hunter class characters to pistols is not a popular stance. Within the Star Wars lore, almost every Bounty Hunter uses a rifle at some point. Now, you are advertising a Bounty Hunter Bundle in the Cartel Market with an Amban Pulse Rifle. New players might actually think that a Bounty Hunter would be able to use the weapon that Din Djarin "The Mandalorian" uses in the popular Disney series. They'll spend 2500 cartel coins on this with their shiny new Bounty Hunter character and realize that they got ripped off. Say "Buh Bye" to a potential subscriber. It would be an easy fix to let Bounty Hunters use rifles and let Vanguards use pistols (not that they'd want to). The two classes are identical in functionality anyway so why not just let the aesthetic follow the function? Since the night SWTOR launched, the idea of a Bounty Hunter being restricted to pistols has never made any sense. Get with program. Give the people who pay your salary what they want.

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Give the people who pay your salary what they want.

OK, but what *I* want is for them to not mess with the combat system, and to leave the weapon type assignments alone and get on with building more actual story and related content.


Whose "what I want" should win?

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I unequivocally approve.


Gun restrictions should be removed at this point so people can play the game how they want.


the railroad is getting old.


Also agreed; which weapon style (melee, pistoleer, rifleman) a Player want's could be from a new Customization slider.

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It would be an easy fix to let Bounty Hunters use rifles and let Vanguards use pistols (not that they'd want to). The two classes are identical in functionality anyway so why not just let the aesthetic follow the function?


Because this is not such an easy fix as you make it out to be. Weapon types are directly tied to the fundamental combat mechanics of the respective classes that are using them in terms of stat distribution and ability animation. If you were to simply allow Bounty Hunters to wield Blaster Rifles like that without changing the mechanics of the class and how stats work on Main and Offhand items, you would break animations and the class would become obsolete for PvE and PvP endgame.


Was it a mistake to limit weapon proficiency to specific classes? Yes it was. Is it easy to change that? Most certainly not.

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By the way , we dont pay their salary.


Its quite normal for game developers to be on a salary irregardless of our purchases paid by the publisher or corporate owner , with additional bonuses coming from the game sales (if a singular player game) or continued performance of subscriptions/cash shop sales if a live service game.

Edited by Daynja
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