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For all the people who turned on 'WoW' you will turn on this game.


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If SWTor is your first mmo, then the game is great. If, however, you have played MMO's since the early dark ages, then I think you will probably leave SWTor after a while.


I cut out most of your post because this part stands out particularly to me. If I were to fix this statement, it would say the following:


If, however, you have played MMOs since the early dark ages, then you probably expected this game to be some shining beacon of the old school MMO with features in the genre (such as forced grouping, huge raids, complicated crafting and hard-core PvP) that have long since died because the current MMO playerbase does not have the time or the desire for them, and you will probably leave SWTOR after a while.


Not before pouting the rest of your subscription about how terrible you perceive this game to be.

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