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"New mail" notification sound when opening Character or Stronghold window


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A strange bug keeps driving me crazy.


You all know the sound when you get a new mail message in-game, right? Whether it's a message from Lana or a GTN sale, you can't miss it.


Well, now when I open my character window or my Strongholds window, I hear a normal click, and immediately after a loud "new mail" notification sound. No new mail. And my old characters (created in 2013,2016,2019) don't get this bug at all. Only recent ones. When I open character window a minute after, there's no extra sound, but an hour later it comes again. I never met that bug before, not even in 6.0. I think it started well after Meridian Complex.


I tried restoring settings to default, tried googling this bug - nothing. It really drives me crazy. Please, help?

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