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Favourite companion game


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Some people might remember what is presented here from things like the old IMDB forums.


Basically, the game is to find (approximately) the least and most popular companions, for whatever reasons are important to you.


In the interests of keeping things reasonable, it will only be for the main story companions, leaving out Treek and HK-51. JUST the story companions.


The way it works is each companion starts with 10 points. For you favourite companion, you add one point to their total, and for your least favourite, you take on point away. Everyone replies to the last person who posted.


For example, if you favour Mako, granting her a point would look like this:

Mako (11) +1


If Mako is your least favourite you take a point away:

Mako (9) -1


When a character has no points remaining, they are eliminated. If done correctly, eventually, one character will have ALL the points (400 of them, I believe), and they are the winner.


Of course, this is only for fun and in no way definitive, if for no better reason than the fact the Force-using classes are played so much more than the others.


Here is the list, I'll start...

Akavi Spaar (10)

Andronikos Revel (10)

Aric Jorgan (10)

Ashara Zavros (10)

Blizz (10)

Bowdaar (10)

Broonmark (10)

Corso Riggs (10)

Doc (10)

Doctor Lokin (10)

Elara Dorne (10)

Ensign Temple (10)

Felix Iresso (10)

Gault Rennow (10)

Guss Tuno (10)

Jaesa Willsam (11) +1

Kalyio Dannis (10)

Khem Val (10)

Kira Carsen (10)

Lieutenant Pierce (10)

Lord Scourge (10)

M1-4X (10)

Mako (10)

Malavi Quinn (10)

Nadia Grell (10)

Qyzen Fess (10)

Risha Drayen (10)

Sargeant Rusk (10)

Scorpio (10)

Skadge (9) -1

T7-01 (10)

Talos Drelik (10)

Tanno Vic (10)

Tharan Cedrax (10)

Torian Cedera (10)

Vector (10)

Vette (10)

Xalek (10)

Yuun (10)

Zenith (10)


Hard to decide, but in the end I went for Jaesa. Great build-up to acquiring her, and an interesting story thereafter.


My least favourite is Skadge. A bullying thug with no real dimension.

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Should each response have only one positive (+1) and one negative (-1) assignments or can a response change more than 2 companions?


Should the changes in a response net out to zero? Meaning: Can a response give 2 positive scores (each of them being +1) without giving any negative score increments?


I expect the score increment should only be 1 (either +1 or -1) to prevent shenanigans?


Paging @JackieKO: "General Discussion" is quite the appropriate place for this thread.

Edited by mike_carton
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Should each response have only one positive (+1) and one negative (-1) assignments or can a response change more than 2 companions?


Should the changes in a response net out to zero? Meaning: Can a response give 2 positive scores (each of them being +1) without giving any negative score increments?


I expect the score increment should only be 1 (either +1 or -1) to prevent shenanigans?


Paging @JackieKO: "General Discussion" is quite the appropriate place for this thread.


The way it has always worked has been one + vote for favourite, one - vote for least favourite.


It's more about the 'redistribution' of points rather than the removal. 40 companions, with 10 points each = 400 points. In a perfect world, when all's said and done there SHOULD be one character left standing with all 400 points next to his/her/its name. In past attempts at the game, it has rarely worked out that way, but we can see what happens...

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