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Legacy Friendlist, higher Deco Limit, Legacy Ressources....


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Hey@ll :)



i really love this Game + the Legacy Ignore was one of the best Updates. ( no longer spam from Cr Seller Bots on the starter Planets :D )


Now i have a little personel Whishlist.



1: Legacy Friendlist ( like the Legacy Ignore ) - so that our Friends are on every Alt.


2: higher Deco Limit ( like for the Iokath and Ossus Reputation and Tech Fragment Vendor > atm ONLY 50 > increase them to 999 pls )


3: Legacy Ressources - i mean with it: Nightlife Casino Tokens ( they are bound on our Chars. )

So > 1: allow us to store them in our Inventory ( like the Rakghul Probes - which we can move from 1 Inventory to another one )

Or 2: Change it so - that it will be a Legacy Ressource.

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