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After "Echoes of Oblivion"


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Three questions regarding where the story will go, since the Emperor is defeated:


1) The Jedi Temple on Coruscant is restored and Satele is there--does this mean she rejoined the order and may become a major character/leader again? So much for "my time is passed" and all that talk.


2) In the last scene, you see Shan meeting with someone named Aryn Leneer, a former Jedi padawan of Ven Zallow who left the order trying to seek vengeance against Darth Malgus for killing her master. Malgus is back again since they resurrected him in Onslaught. Are they setting it up for a final showdown between him and Leneer where you have to help Leneer defeat him and you possibly recruit her?


3) Since Leneer is connected with a smuggler named Zeerid Korr who lives on Dantooine and according to the book, Malgus invaded there, does this mean we'll get actual story missions on Dantooine and/or a bigger map in the future to explore more of it?

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Three questions regarding where the story will go, since the Emperor is defeated:


1) The Jedi Temple on Coruscant is restored and Satele is there--does this mean she rejoined the order and may become a major character/leader again? So much for "my time is passed" and all that talk.


2) In the last scene, you see Shan meeting with someone named Aryn Leneer, a former Jedi padawan of Ven Zallow who left the order trying to seek vengeance against Darth Malgus for killing her master. Malgus is back again since they resurrected him in Onslaught. Are they setting it up for a final showdown between him and Leneer where you have to help Leneer defeat him and you possibly recruit her?


3) Since Leneer is connected with a smuggler named Zeerid Korr who lives on Dantooine and according to the book, Malgus invaded there, does this mean we'll get actual story missions on Dantooine and/or a bigger map in the future to explore more of it?


1) I think you may have taken her words a little too literally. At any rate, I'll wait until further story updates before judging. (At the moment, my theory is that she's effectively retired as Grand Master, but still helping out the Jedi in a supporting capacity.)


2) Seems like a decent idea, but I almost expect Leneer to become an antagonist for those allied with the Empire. (Though I suspect Malgus himself will be an antagonist whether you help the Empire or not.)


3) I hope so.

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