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Some minor improvements


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After some years playing this game, I would like developpers for some changes in this game:


1.- Second name-word should be always displayed in capital letter. It is true that character name is shown properly but chat window keeps showing it in lowercase letter.


2.- Now, another one, more important than the one written above. I, as many other players, have spent money in Cartel Market outfits. Through years, I have encountered many serious problems concerning those goods, such as:


a) Textures incompatibility. I can accept a tunic does not fit with a heavy trooper legs, okay, so part of the texture of the tunic may have a conflich when that mixture is tried, however, I find ilogical the fact that some armor sets shows tha same overlap between some elements of the armor and legs from the same set. It might not be so important if we were talking about random dropped equipment, but taking into account that we have spent some money on them, we would really appreciate that lower armors parts below the back of the character (tunic-like) from, for instance, "Jedi survivalist" and "Zakuul knight-captain" did not show a texture conflic with legs from the same set when characters walk.



b) Unifying colors. I do not know exactly why, but it seems that dark brown color base of all equipment parts cannot be unified, even if we use some "pure" dyes as the black and black one. I think that may not be so difficult to fix.



c) Resolution. There are some armor sets (as the "Stalwart protector" one, also from Cartel Market) which 10 years after this game release have no improvement regarding this issue. Again, I can accept thatthe oldest and most basic random dropped equipment is not improved that way, but I think that, as they are Cartel Market goods, it would be fair for all of us to have a decent resolution. I also bet that may not be difficult to achieve.



Those are my improvement suggestions for the game. I know there are so many to read and possibly not every single one can be applied, but I am quite positive about the good odds of making possible this changes into the game.


Thanks for reading this far.


Kindest regards.

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1.- Second name-word should be always displayed in capital letter. It is true that character name is shown properly but chat window keeps showing it in lowercase letter.

That's a *bug* (one that's as old as the two-word name feature) and should be reported as one, in the Bug Reports section. (Then again, it has been reported and commented on endlessly ever since the feature was released.)

a) Textures incompatibility. I can accept a tunic does not fit with a heavy trooper legs, okay, so part of the texture of the tunic may have a conflich when that mixture is tried, however, I find ilogical the fact that some armor sets shows tha same overlap between some elements of the armor and legs from the same set. It might not be so important if we were talking about random dropped equipment, but taking into account that we have spent some money on them, we would really appreciate that lower armors parts below the back of the character (tunic-like) from, for instance, "Jedi survivalist" and "Zakuul knight-captain" did not show a texture conflic with legs from the same set when characters walk.

Do you mean "clipping", where the shapes don't interact correctly and thus the items poke through each other? (If so, it's totally unrelated to textures.) If not, can you make a screenshot, upload it onto a photo sharing site, and post a link so that we can see *exactly* what you mean?

b) Unifying colors. I do not know exactly why, but it seems that dark brown color base of all equipment parts cannot be unified, even if we use some "pure" dyes as the black and black one. I think that may not be so difficult to fix.

That's because some pieces really require (and *have*) three dye channels, maybe four, but the dye system has only two slots that you can dye. And it happens just as much if you dye the pieces directly rather than via Unify.

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That's a *bug* (one that's as old as the two-word name feature) and should be reported as one, in the Bug Reports section. (Then again, it has been reported and commented on endlessly ever since the feature was released.)


Do you mean "clipping", where the shapes don't interact correctly and thus the items poke through each other? (If so, it's totally unrelated to textures.) If not, can you make a screenshot, upload it onto a photo sharing site, and post a link so that we can see *exactly* what you mean?


That's because some pieces really require (and *have*) three dye channels, maybe four, but the dye system has only two slots that you can dye. And it happens just as much if you dye the pieces directly rather than via Unify.


Yes, I mean clipping. I did not know the name of that effect. I hope that can be corrected in the future (if I should put this into another channel, please, can you tell me which one is that?)

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1.- Second name-word should be always displayed in capital letter. It is true that character name is shown properly but chat window keeps showing it in lowercase letter.



Kindest regards.


I agree with the whole post but i second this topic in specific, i cannot stress this enough, please someone make this happen and give this guy a trophy for even remembering how much i wanted this

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