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Story mode flashpoints bosses only dropping crafting mats


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So... it's been going on for weeks. It's my... fourth? toon that has now been affected. I keep posting and I get 0 replies.


Story mode, level 55-60, did the two Ilum flashpoints and now the Tython one... got no loot except crafting mats after the first boss of the first Ilum flashpoint. Two weeks ago I did Directive 7 and got no loot either but at least the Revan prologue were dropping loot... Now, nothing.


Could I have any kind of acknowledgement? ANYTHING? Anyone?

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  • 4 weeks later...
No, story mode, levels 55-60 for Ilum. It happened on like 5 different toons, I lost count.

Also happened in the Tython FP a couple of weeks ago for a level 70ish toon.


That doesn't mean anything, what level is your character while doing said flashpoints, not what the level of the flashpoints are, if your character level is under 75, and by that i mean actual level not being scaled to that flashpoint level, they will only get crafting mats

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My characters are level 55-60. Sorry, I thought that was clear.

That's why I don't get it at all. It started happening just after the patch when fragments stopped dropping under level 75. Been having issues since with pretty much every story flashpoint at one point or another (once I'm 75, no problem so far thankfully). Foundry, Directive 7, you name it... I'm always in story mode, the right level for the flashpoint, and I'm only getting crafting mats.


My latest toon is about to do the shadows of Revan prologue flashpoints and I'm dreading it... level 65... not even getting a chance at the mounts stinks... Somehow last time I managed to finally get loot for the second one after I sold stuff in my inventory and relogged but it didn't help this time during the Ilum flashpoints.


What bothers me is that apparently nobody else is having the issue, but it affects all the characters on my account... Someone on Reddit said he had the problem and moved stuff in his inventory and the next boss dropped loot, but that doesn't seem to help me. At some point I thought it was happening because I was sending companions on crew missions while I was in the FP, but I haven't been doing it and I'm still not getting loot.


Really not sure what to do anymore at this point. I have one last toon I want to level up after this again and it's just... very disappointing.


Again, some people say it's normal... but it's not... I was getting loot just fine before 6.2 or whatever that was... with my other 10ish toons since last June... Always stuff that was my level (so 148 or 178 for Ilum if I remember correctly, 200 for the SoR prologue flashpoints).

Edited by Pricia
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UGH! I'm so glad I went hunting in the forums for this issue because it's driving me mad.


Just started Shadow of Revan Prelude on my level 56 (at the time) Consular and had this issue happen with the first two Flashpoints. Zero loot other than credits and crafting mats.


Last week I ran through the story on my level 75 Bounty Hunter and I had loot galore. Two days ago I ran through these instances on my level 68-72 (leveled through the story) Operative and also had loot galore.


Today I'm trying to run through on a character that's actually at an appropriate level and getting the shaft. Also trying to submit a help ticket in-game and the system is down.


Incredibly frustrating to run content on-level and get penalized for it. At this point, I'm giving up on leveling the character. :(

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Got a reply back from customer support today...


"We have investigated the error you reported, and have confirmed with our specialist team that in fact this is not a bug, and is working as designed.


The rewards after the flashpoint are not guaranteed, nor is there a setting that you disabled.


If you feel that this aspect of the game could work differently, we strongly recommend posting your feedback on our "Suggestion Box" forum..."

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