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Storylines independent from class (to some extent)


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So i'm here to make my case.


Today it hit me, it would be pretty cool to play the Jedi Knight's storyline using a Jedi Consular's class, and vice versa!

I've always thought having no weapon restrictions would be very cool, but in the end it could be really gamebreaking and/or difficult to implement, even if just cosmetic. But this way you would have more versatility on weapons and abilities with no real harm caused to the game in general. All it would entail is being able to play a familiar class with another story, the story would be the same, classes would be the same, voice acting would be the same, but it would open up a possibility for a whole different array of costumization.


What i'm suggesting would only be applicable to some extent, no cannon wielding jedi or smuggler shooting lightning from their fingertips or anything like that.

For a start, no cross faction interchangeability, and the same could go for classes different enough to not allow it. Just a Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior using Consular/Inquisitor's class, Bounty Hunters being able to play as a Sniper or Operative and so on. I've talked about it with other players and the ones who understood what i was trying to say thought it would be really cool, not to mention a really great way for a player to invest more time into classes they already played the story with, more customizeability and in the end everything would stay the same, just a minor change that could spice up how they see their own character as they replay the story, since there are some of us that really like the storylines and still replay them from time to time.


What do you think? Viable? Not viable? Why not? And what would be the downsides, since i can only think of advantages.

Thank you for your time and good hunting!

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This would render certain dialogue a bit strange, particularly if you're playing the Sith Warrior story as an Assassin. Does this dialogue make any sense in that case? https://i.imgur.com/jjgt6Xz.jpg (Dri'kill Ba'al: "I thought he'd send a stealthy assassin, not some senseless savage.")


Well, that actually makes sense, but still, he could just be judging a book by it's cover

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