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how well would it run on minimal requirements.


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I'm playing on a computer with 8 gigs of RAM, a 1gb Vid Card, and an i5 processor with TurboBoost enabled... I can play Crysis 2 and BF3 with no problems whatsoever.


However in SWTOR, I get lucky to have 12 fps in any warzone, the average is around 6-8. So to you I say goodluck.

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I run the game on as low as I can on what this game considers a single core (Pentium D) so I dont even have minimum requirements. I can run the game but I lag severely most of the time, animated terrain such as weather and special effects (rocks falling from sky) will lag u hard. Also you lag even worse with more people, npc's, mobs around. Some planets run smooth tho, and the graphics dont seem too terrible but its torture. Cant even see people move in Warfronts from severe low fps but I'm poor as hell so I cant do anything about it :\
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First of all: I would not suggest buying a game where you have to think about the minimal settings. It most of the time results in a bad gaming experience and is no fun at all.


Secondly: I don't quite get why some people have such enormous problems with this game regarding the graphics. I run a AMD Phenom II X4 970 @3,5GHz, a AMD Radeon HD 6870 and 8 GB of DDR3 RAM and am totally fine with playing on highest settings. I get about 35 FPS minimum.

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