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Nadia Grell Romance Alert


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I'm not really sure if this topic belongs in the lore section or is more of a technical issue or is simply lazy design but as far as I know, Nadia Grell, a potential romance for the male jedi consular, is one of the only companions out of all the classes that does not have clearly marked "Flirt" buttons to show if you're on the path to romancing her. I initially made the mistake of just choosing the middle option of "I know" when Nadia Grell confesses her feelings since I thought it would be a platonic response since it wasn't marked by "Flirt" but then right after that I find I'm locked in a romance with her that I cannot get out of. So to anyone who's playing Jedi Consular, if you DO NOT want to romance Nadia Grell, make sure to hit the option "this is inappropriate" anytime it pops up in a conversation with her. Thank you for reading, cheers.
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There's something similar with Ashara / Inquisitor, in fact. The sequence was severely lacking in [Flirt] options, even in cases (like the one you cite for Nadia) where it's fairly obviously going to be romance-linked.






Even, for Ashara, when

she asks you about how sex fits in with all the things she was taught by the Jedi and by you and ... and ... and stuff, and the two of you go off and do the Horizontal Fandango together


there isn't a [Flirt] option.

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