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[Bug] Kuat Drive Yards - Starship Assembly - Datapads unreadable


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Kuat Drive Yards - Datapads Unreadable


Location: Kuat Drive Yards

Scenario: Starship Assembly

Mode: Veteran



The Datapads with hints on how to solve the assembly correctly, display "Engineering Notes" instead of the hints.



During the Starship Assembly scenario, players have to first retrieve the access codes to unlock the assembly control station. After unlocking, the player can use the Datapads for hints on the correct solution, as the solution changes between 4 different options. The Datapads do not show the hints when placing the mouse over the datapads. Instead it shows "Engineering Notes" in the mouse over box.


More details

Done the Starship Assembly scenario 2-3 times lately. All occasions had the 6 Datapads puzzle. Unclear if this also occurs for the 3 or 5 datapad possibilities.


Does this break the flashpoint?

No. You can proceed after getting lucky or failing.


Does this apply to all flashpoint modes?

Unknown. Only player the Veteran Mode.


When did this first appear?

Unknown. Prior to game update 6.2


Other reports of this bug


Edited by Mallian
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