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KOTET Ch 7 Defeating Horizon Captain


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Please let me know if I'm posting this in the wrong place. I'm on KOTET Ch 7 Defeating Horizon Captain (Story Mode). I'm Lvl 75 Jedi Knight, armor is 276. No matter what I do or how I have Lana set (DMG seems slightly better), she dies really fast and I'm not far behind. I'm using heroics, kiting him, using stims, getting out of the way of his AOE, etc. I could understand it being crazy hard if this was Veteran or Master mode but this is ridiculous! Am I missing something? Thanks!
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What is Lana's Influence rank?


It's also worth noting that in that chapter, that dude is the biggest fight, but it sounds like you're playing it right, which points to one of two possibilities (or maybe both at once):

* You have Lana at a very low Influence rank, which will make her weak at whatever her role is

* Something about the fight it bugged.


The bugged nature could be any combination of:

* The boss's composite boss-ness (health, damage done, etc.) got glitched upwards

* Lana's defensive stats are bugged again, as all companion defensives were initially after KotFE launched.

* Lana's offensive stats are bugged.


Based on you not saying anything about Lana's performance elsewhere, I'd vote for it being the boss's boss-ness that's bugged.

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