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Disappointed with "Echoes of Oblivion" (yet not surprised)


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(BTW, this argument kinda becomes void if you simply consider the idea that after all the trouble you've caused him, the Emperor and his followers may not be willing to even pretend to be nice to you. And/or with the Emperor's newfound youthful cockiness, he may not think he needs to manipulate you and would rather just cut to the chase.)


If that were indeed the case, then at least there could've been different dialogue options for the player character to at least propose an alliance with the Emperor, even if Tenebrae rejected it and behaved as you suggest. Instead of the same generic autodialogue lines that every player character has now. Being able to control MY characters actions and behavior is the only thing I care about.


Anyway, it sounds like you are getting... emotional. So perhaps we should simply agree to disagree and move on.

Edited by ruffolofi
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  • 9 months later...

soo... No ones gonna complain about the couple of ending cutscenes, how aaaaaaaaaaaaaaanti-climactic they were?


Like how they put Satele to troll us by first saying that THIS is our "victory party" and theres only satele and your character in what looked like her camp on Odessen. And then saying that we destroyed the "most evil being in the galaxies history". No Episode 6 ending where the spirits of the dead would come to "party" with the others... No?

No "Romantic Ending" if your JK an in romance with Kira, talking about all that theyve gone through, about the future etc... No?


And the FUC*ING final cutscene. Lana, LANA *********** BENIKO, the ONLY one who even WASNT in ANY way part of the Echoes of Oblivion, comes to get you home, saying: Kira and Scourge had me pick you up from the hangar

As in, they just left me there for Lana to pick me up and then they "went somewhere".


No "Heroes welcome", no ACTUAL "Victory parade/party"(Episode 6 ending style), nothing... JUST nothing. -.-


The most coolest and CRAAAZIEST part of game, "ending" to the story and the most anti-climactic ending ever...



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