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Jedi Knight Storyline


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Why does it feel like the storyline of this class is a repeatable quest but on different planets?


1) General Var Suthra tells you that he invented the superweapon against the Empire after the Treaty of Coruscant.

2) Var Suthra and/or another Republic commander/doctor tells you that the said superweapon was stolen by the Empire.

3) After showing what the weapon can do, you have to get the superweapon back and destroy it along with the Sith who stole it.

4) Go to the next planet because another superweapon was stolen like a princess in another castle.

Edited by JuaniBoo
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All classes are like that tbh.

Example #1 : SI

Chapter 1 : go to planet A to fetch an artifact, then planet B for another one, then planet C for yet another one

Chapter 2 : Go to planet D to bind a ghost, then planet E for a second one, than planet F for a third one, but you're not able to hold all that power

Chapter 3 : go there to find a way to strenghen your body, then there to strenghen your mind.


Example #2 : SW

Chap 1 : hunt that spy, hunt that spy, hunt tha Jedi who is tied to Jaesa, hunt her parents, hunt her master...

Chap 2 : kill that pub important prson, kill that pub important person...

Chap 3 : kill that person who supports Baras, then that one, then protect this one from him to finally take him down.


Example #3 : BH

C1 : find that target, find that target, find that target...

C2 : hunt that target, hunt that target, hunt that target...

C3 is yet pretty much the same which is logical for a bounty hunter.


I think you get the idea now.

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