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A plea for Vet/Master modes in solo content


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With the exception of the KotFE/KotET chapters, solo content in this game is extremely easy. It's so easy that combat is a pointless chore, an irritant getting in the way of moving from A to B. I know people will suggest ways to nerf yourself, but that shouldn't be necessary. Many games have a 'story mode' difficulty, which is completely fine for those who just want to progress through the story. It is quite unusual though for this to be the only difficulty option.


It's very odd and counterproductive for combat to be so lacking in challenge. I recently finished Onslaught, in which the devs designed boss encounters that had mechanics beyond just normal attacks. There were a number of other potentially interesting encounters. They didn't matter though because my health barely ever dropped below 100%. Why go to the effort of crafting boss mechanics if the player is effectively invincible? Why bother having fights at all?


A lack of difficulty also undermines the story. The stories are always pitting you against antagonists of supposed enormous skill and power. Then you steamroll through them and wonder what all the fuss was about. This is part of the reason it's sometimes hard to pay attention to the class stories - I know the gameplay won't support the dialogue's claims that this particular opponent is a massive threat.


I'm not expecting difficulty increases for any existing content (although it would be welcome); that would probably consume too many development resources. It would be great though if future story content could have Vet/Master modes to stop combat being so pointless. Simply boosting enemy health/damage is not ideal given that a lot of Knights VM/MM encounters are unbalanced, but presumably it's the least resource-intensive approach and is better than nothing.

Edited by Rooksx
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When I'm leveling from 1-75 I just keep the XP armor on with empty slots and only put the mods into my weapon(s) that you get for finishing the class story on the starter planets. I don't start carrying medpacs of any kind with me anywhere until I turn 75.

Also, I either don't pull my companion, or I keep them on passive if I want them with me for cutscenes, or if I'm doing a heroic I'll put them on Tank and never Heal/DPS.

The only thing I upgrade are the left side and the offhand.


I've felt like this puts just enough resistance in combat that I'm not one-shotting everything with the basic attack, but everything doesn't require going through 1 and a half of a full rotation just to kill street scum.

In heroics I get very close to dying quite a few times but it forces me to use my full range of defensive abilities and to be smarter about pulling mobs.


Honestly to me it's MORE effort to keep upgrading as I go, so "gimping myself" isn't actually a chore at all.

Edited by aerockyul
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